Chapter 7: Michi's World

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Michi looked at Yuutsuna and Yuki and lunged toward them, creating a spear made of energy as Yuki and Yuutsuna pulled out their swords. As they fought, Michi started to smile and jumped back.

"Your power has grown since we last fought, Yuki."

Yuki looked at Michi and smiled.

"I'll have you know your mind games and illusions won't work on me this time!"

Michi laughed at Yuki's remark and snapped her fingers.

"Is that a fact now? Well, let's see you prove it. Look around the room and see what I changed."

Yuki walked around the room, examining everything. As Yuki was inspecting the room, she felt a cool breeze come in through one of the walls, and she quickly turned around, pointing at Michi.

"We're not in Atlantis anymore! You transported us to another place!"

Michi looked at Yuki and smirked as she started to clap her hands.

"Well done, you figured it out. I did indeed take you somewhere else, but you see..."

Michi snapped her fingers, and the walls around them began to crumble to dust, revealing a vast valley.

Yuutsuna looked around and asked what part of Earth Michi transported them to, but Michi laughed at Yuutsuna's question.

"Transported you? I didn't transport you anywhere."

A moon started to appear behind Michi as she held her arms out.

"Welcome to a pocket dimension I created that's exactly like Earth! It even contains a moon! The perfect place for us to go all out!"

Michi lunged at Yuki and Yuutsuna and created an energy sword, swinging it at the two Demi-Humans. Both Yuki and Yuutsuna blocked the attack and pushed Michi back.

Yuutsuna quickly lunged at Michi and jumped into the air, lunging toward Michi as she surrounded her sword in fire. Michi jumped out of the way of Yuutsuna's attack, and once Yuutsuna hit the ground, a stream of fire was released from her sword, heading toward Michi.

"What the?!"

Michi raised her index and middle finger, sending a stream of water to rise from the ground and extinguish the flames before they could hit her. Yuutsuna lunged through the smoke, hoping to catch Michi off guard, but to no avail as Michi blocked her attack, and the two entered a standstill.

"That was a neat skill you did there, Yuutsuna. What do you call it?"

Yuutsuna pushed jumped back as she pushed Michi away.

"The skill is called Fire Stream. It allows me to surround my sword with a fire to attack. I can also control the flame if my sword hits the ground."

Michi smiled and lifted her energy sword into the air.

"Like this?"

Michi surrounded her sword in fire, catching Yuutsuna by surprise. Michi lunged at Yuutsuna and thrusted her energy sword forward, releasing a beam of fire that Yuutsuna barely dodged. Michi quickly turned around and started to attack Yuutsuna, the two clashing their weapons as they fought. Michi began to get the upper hand in the fight and was about to stab Yuutsuna before Yuki jumped in and blocked the attack.

"Don't tell me that you forgot about me!?"

Yuki pushed Michi back and started to attack her, swinging her sword with great precision, and each strike was more powerful than the last. Yuki summoned her Shadow Blade and started to attack Michi with two swords, overwhelming her. Michi raised her sword to protect herself, but Yuki shattered it with a single strike.

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