Chapter 3: Mountain Warrior

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The wind howled as we traveled the road up the mountains, looking for any sign of the dragon's land. As we continued walking up the mountain's path, it started to rain, and we quickly ran toward a nearby cave. As everyone dried themselves, I grabbed some wood from the wagon and started a fire. Yuki let out a yawn as she stretched her arms.

"All this traveling up the mountains is getting me tired."

Yuki looked at me, watching me flip through the book written by the explorer. She got up and walked toward me, placing her head on my shoulders.

"Did you find anything, Sir Alex?"

"Yeah. We need to find the guardian of the dragons, Giados. It says here the dragon resides deep within the mountains, only allowing people it sees fit to enter the land of dragons."

I closed the book and set it aside.

"But it doesn't even say which part of the mountain."

Yuki sat down next to me and handed me some water.

"Is it possible that you could find if you transform into a dragon?"

It took a sip of the water and gave it some thought.

"It's possible, but what if I end up losing control?"

Yuki grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

"If that happens, I promise to snap you out of it."

I looked at Yuki and smiled.

"Thanks, Yuki. Let's get some rest now."

Once morning arrived, I transformed into my Pseudo-Dragon Form and looked around. As I looked around the mountains, I felt two strong power sources nearby. I detransformed and walked back to the wagon.

"I felt two strong power sources in that direction. One of them is super close, so let's head over there first."

Leo nodded and moved the reins, guiding the horses in the direction I pointed. As we traveled the road, Leo asked me about the power I felt.

"All I know is that whatever it was I felt is equal in power to mine."

"You think there might be two dragons?"

"Possibly? We'll have to see for ourselves."

As we continued, I started to feel the power again and looked toward Leo.

"You feel that, Leo?"

Leo nodded his head.

"It looks like it's heading in our direction."

Once we arrived at the source of the power, we realized it was a 6'2, 22-year-old man wearing plate armor covered in wool, wielding a giant hammer, yet there was an air of familiarity around him. He looked at me, and I could tell he wanted a fight.

"Which one of you is the strongest?"

I jumped off the wagon and walked toward the stranger.

"That would be me. Who are you exactly?"

"You're telling me you don't recognize me?"

Upon further inspection, I realized it was my friend Torin.

"Holy shit, it's you!"

Yuki asked if it was someone I knew, and I told her it was my friend Torin, which made me wonder how many of my other friends were transported into this world.

"So why do you want to fight me, Torin?"

Torin smiled.

"I heard a lot of stories about you from bounty hunters and civilians. I wanted to test my own strength compared to yours."

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