Chapter 10: Dragon vs. Phoenix

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I immediately lunged at Connor and jumped into the air, doing a downward swing with my sword that Connor blocked with his spear. Connor pushed me back and thrusted his spear forward, but I moved his spear to the side with my shield and landed a knee strike to his stomach. Connor stumbled back from the pain, and I tried to stab him with my sword, but he teleported to dodge the attack.

I looked up and saw Connor coming toward me with his spear in front of him. I jumped to dodge the attack, but the impact of Connor's spear created a shockwave that sent me flying back. I crashed into a wall and quickly jumped out of it when Connor fired an energy beam toward me. I landed on the ground and ran toward Connor with my sword beside me.

I lunged my sword forward multiple times, but Connor dodged my attacks. He twirled his spear and thrusted it forward, impaling me in the chest. He fired an energy blast from the spear, sending be sliding across the ground. I recovered and looked up, jumping to the left to dodge an attack from Connor.

I swung my sword, slashing Connor across his shoulder, and fired an energy beam from my hand, sending Connor crashing into a wall. I lunged toward Connor and swung my sword, but Connor teleported away, making me slash the wall instead and leave a giant gash. I turned around to face Connor and rushed toward him. Our weapons clashed against each other, creating a shockwave. Every clash from our weapons shook Atlantis and caused rubble to fall from the ceiling.

I landed two kicks to Connor's stomach and fired an energy blast from my hand. Connor used the spear's shaft to block the energy blast as it pushed him back. I fired more energy blasts toward Connor, making the energy blasts bigger and stronger. Connor tossed the energy blasts away and made it nearly hit Loki. I ran toward Connor and surrounded him with afterimages, running around him in a circle.

I landed multiple blows on Connor as he tried to fight back, swinging his spear to hit me. Connor unleashed a burst of aura, sending me flying back and causing the afterimages to dissipate. Connor teleported above and stabbed my shoulder with his spear, pinning me to the ground. Connor pulled his spear out of my shoulder and held his hand out.


Connor fired an energy blast at me, but I knocked him down with my foot, making him fire the energy blast upward instead. I fired my own energy blasts at Connor, but he teleported out of the way.


Connor charged at me and swung his spear in a downward arc, but I blocked the attack with my shield.

"You're the bastard here, Connor!"

I pushed Connor back and fired energy blasts as he ran to the left, trying to hit him. Connor jumped into the air and knocked one of my energy blasts toward me, forcing me to jump back as the blast created a small explosion. Connor emerged from the smoke, thrusting his spear forward with an attack that I narrowly dodged by moving my head.

We clashed our weapons together, each clash throwing dust into the air as we entered a standstill.

"I'm surprised you're power is even with me, Connor."

"Heh, I have been training with Oki, after all. It's just a matter of time before I beat you!"

I smiled and surrounded my body in a white aura.

"Or perhaps I've just been holding back!"

I unleashed the white aura around my body in a burst of energy, glancing at Connor as the shockwaves pushed him back.

"My power level is now 77,000,000,000!"

Connor stepped back, shocked.

"How did you get it so high so fast?!'

Neon Cavaliers Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora