"Oh, we're spending the night. I would have asked for permission, but we're staying no matter what you say so I didn't bother." Maeve said.

I laughed. "Yeah, I figured. I don't care though, it's not my house." I said and gestured to Melanie.

Mel shrugged. "Like she said, they'll do whatever they want."

We decided to order a pizza and we all sat around the living room watching a movie that I ordered on pay per view.

The doorbell rang and I jumped up.

"Pizza!" I hopped over Marina, who was cocooned in a blanket on the floor and ran through the house to the front door.

I opened the door to find the pizza guy holding two large pizzas and buffalo wings.

The guy looked at my outfit and raised an eyebrow. I looked down and almost laughed when I saw that I was wearing my blue tweety bird pajama bottoms and white t-shirt. My hair was parted to the side in messy waves.

I looked back at him. He was tall with dark wavy hair, he had almost golden eyes and a five o'clock shadow. He looked maybe a few years older than me.

"So, what was the total?" I asked with a grin.

He blinked. "Oh, right. It was $27. 98."

I only had $25 in my hand so I turned around and called into the house.

"Someone bring me more money!" I yelled at them.

"I got it!" I heard Clara call back.

I turned back toward the guy who was standing awkwardly in the doorway.

I blew out a breath. "So," I looked down at his name tag. "Todd. How's your night going?"

He looked amused by my attempt at conversation.

"A lot more interesting now." He said with a smile. "What's your name?"

"I'm not sure if I should tell you. My parents did teach me about stranger danger." I said teasingly.

"You don't seem like the type to actually follow that rule." He stated.

"You're probably right." I nodded with a smile. "I'll tell you what, you get to choose. You either get my name or a tip."

His grin widened. "Well, since I'm not likely to see you again, most would expect me to go with the tip. But since I have high hopes that we'll meet again, I have to know your name."

I raised my eyebrows. I wasn't expecting that.

"Well, since you asked so nicely,"

"Here B." I heard Clara say from behind me. I turned and she smirked. She'd heard the everything, I was guessing.

I looked down and saw a few dollar bills in her hand. I didn't miss the rolled up piece of paper in between two dollar bills. I grinned and took them from her. I got out the exact change and stepped towards Todd. I put the money in his uniform shirt pocket and pulled the food from his grasp. I handed the boxes to Clara and turned back to Todd.

"Have a good night, Todd." I said with a little wave.

He looked into his pocket, finding the piece of paper he unfolded and read it. He looked back at me with a dazzling smile.

"Goodnight, Brynn." I gave him one last smile before closing the door.

I turned and made my way to the living room. I walked in and saw my friends all innocently eating pizza and watching the movie. I rolled my eyes.

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