All three men stayed in silence for a time, pondering their thoughts. There was a chance they were digging too deep into this, but if there was a chance there was another angle against you, they each would want it prevented...whatever it was.

"What is Kaeya's occupation?" Childe threw out, gaining the others' attention.

"He's the Cavalry Captain of The Knights of Favonious." Aether supplied.

"Cavalry Captain. Knights of Favonious," he repeated. Childe stood up, walking over to a desk area in the living room they had all been seated in. He rustled through piled paper works and thick bound books, searching for something.

He mumbled to himself as he pulled out a large blue book, leaning down to blow away the dust. In the time he had done so, both Diluc and Aether had wandered over in interest.

"Excuse the mess," Childe spoke absentmindedly as he began to swipe through the pages of the old book. "Now then--"

"What are you looking for?" Diluc questioned impatiently.

Childe paused and looked up at the redhead, "I was just about to say."

"Go on," Aether nudged Childe verbally.

"So, a long time ago I had business in Mondstadt." He began, finding the page he wanted. "I had members of the Fatui stationed there, as my eyes. You should know there are still active Fatui members who roam free, trouble." He briefly glanced at Diluc as Mondstadt was his home. "Anyway, I had them report back to me about happenings within the walls of Mondstadt, whether small or large and I remember one interesting thing."

The page he had stopped at held another sheet of paper, crumpled slightly, but the writing was still easily readable. He slowly turned the book around so the two men could take a look.

"Little has happened this past month. There was a festival. An annoying bard sang about the wind.

We are still viewed upon as dirt by many. Even the Knights of Favonious steer clear--unless they are suspicious. Though, of course, we have done nothing to stir up trouble.

We managed to get close to one Knight, surprisingly. He seems...interested in our cause. Giving little away, he stays around often, chatting, laughing, acting like a...friend?

He has told us much--the next letter will delve deeper.

The strange thing about this Knight is not that he is a Knight, but that he is the Cavalry Captain. Kaeya Alberich.

We will report on any other happenings--especially with this interesting Knight.


Aether side-eyed Diluc as Childe finished reading the note aloud as they followed along the words. This was concerning, not just for the current situation, but for Mondstadt itself.

"I'm confused." Diluc voiced, as his eyes stuck to the note still. "This would seem like Kaeya has gotten close more as a spy than anything...except the 'he has told us much'." he lifted his head, "was there a follow-up?"

He went to flip the page but was stopped by Childe's hand. "No. I received nothing."

Diluc paused and stared into Childe's eyes, a dark look. "Are you sure about that?"

"Positive." Childe pushed away Diluc's hand, pulling the book towards himself. "Aether, I'm aware you have spent much time in Mondstadt yourself, I assume you know of Kaeya a lot more than I?"

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