Chapter 18 - Are you Serious?!

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George POV:

"Did you just say that George is your mate?!"
"What's the matter Minx, you seem to gone pale all of the sudden"
"I'm not the only one growing pale, have you seen George?"
"George are you ok?"
"I- I'm fine Drista"
"Corpse and Punz take Minx to the conference room, I will talk to her in a bit. Keep an eye on her"
"We will don't worry Dream"
"And if any of y'all want to take a break switch with someone"
"Yeah yeah dream we got it"
*corpse and Punz take minx away"

"Well all of this was very unexpected"
"You are telling me"
"Oh yeah Dream! This is Rae and Poki the friends I made in the rogue territory"
"Nice to meet y'all, and thank you guys for keeping my sister safe"
"Do you actually think we could talk tomorrow dream its actually very important"
"Yeah of course! Karl and Quackity take the gals to an open house"
"*both* thank you dream!"
"Of course you guys make yourself at home!*
*all 4 of them leave*

"I didnt think your mate was going to be my best friend dream"
"I am still shocked to say the least Drista, its crazy that-"
"Wait im such a bad sister! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREAM!!!"
*Hugs Dream*
"Thank you Drista you are the best birthday gift ever!"
"Don't get emotional on me Dream why weren't you celebrating?"
"I just heard you were in the rogue territory and we were actually heading our way-"

"Am i the only one confused as to how that man made an ICE KNIFE and no one is talking about it?!?"
"Well first of all my name is George if it wasnt to obvious and it comes from my ring, it also comes out of Dristas, also that man that saved Drista with teleportation"
"You actually teleported Ranboo!?!"
"Yeah she seemed at the moment innocent and I don't kill innocent people"
"Such a gentleman well thank you Ranboo"
"Of course Dream!"

"Well seems to be getting late, I have somewhere to be but really happy that you are safe Drista"
"NO GEORGE you said you were going to stay! Your mate is here as well why would you want to leave?!"
"I just cant believe my mate is an ALPHA Drista"
"You would tell me how much you wanted a mate.."
"Yeah i did but that was when I had weak thoughts, I dont need someone anymore. They weren't there for me why would I be there for them"

"You dont have to be alone George, *puts his hand on Georges shoulder* *george looks up into Dreams eyes* you don't have to be here if you don't want to I'm not going to force you, but I would like for you to stay at one of the houses so you can properly eat and shower and how about we talk in the morning?"

"I don't know-"

"The house is isolated, its still in this territory and no one lives there you may think there and come when you are ready huh? I'm going to be honest with you George, I wouldn't want my mate to go when I just saw them"
"Stop being stubborn George! You stay here pleaseeeeeeee"
"Fiiiiiine for Drista"
"Thats fine with me and thank you gogy"
"What did you just called me?!"
"Gogy! think of its as a nickname to your name I hope you don't mind"
"Its better than some other nicknames I've been told"
"Well how about me and Drista show you to your house and maybe you could come out for my birthday? If not then its totally fine"
"I would need clothes"
"I'm right here Dream! *rolls eyes*"
"Get some clothes from the pack house I think George can fit into Karls clothes for the moment"

"Could I possibly know more about you George?"
"Hmm well my name is George im 25 years old and I'm actually from the L'Manberge pack."
"You are 25? I'm actually 23"
"You seem a lot more older"
"I've been told that a lot!"
"What else do you want to know?"
"Why did you leave your pack?"
"Personal reasons"
"Ok reasonable"
"Anything else?"
"Already irritated by me?"
"No just sleepy is all"

*inside Georges new house*
"Well then, thank you again for saving Drista I really can't repay you enough"
"Yes George?"
"I'm sorry for being an asshole *starts crying* I'm just so fucking afraid"
"*hugs George* Its ok George im here and I won't let you go I can promise you that"
"What if he comes back?"
"I may not know who you are talking about but I will protect you George, you are not getting rid of me that easily haha"
"*sniffles* thank you Dream I sound like such a pussy"
"Don't think that you are still fucking strong in my eyes trust me"
"Somehow i do trust you Dream"
"You have no idea how much that means to me George"
*hugs George again*
"Well i will have to leave now or my pack will kick my ass but again you are more than welcome to come to my birthday"
"I will think about it"
"Thank you George"
"No, thank you Dream"
*shuts door"

"Maybe being here won't be such a bad idea after all, but doesnt mean I'll trust them that quickly"
"Should i go to that party"
"I would get to see Dream again, and he is my mate after all"
"I just can't believe it..."
My mate is an Alpha
"Yup im acting like a fangirl fuck my life"

Dream POV:

"So how was the chat with George?"
"He's amazing Drista, I really couldn't gave asked for a better mate than him"
"Do you really care that he is an omega?"
"Not at all, but I don't blame George for thinking that"
"He's been through a lot Dream, I want him to feel like at home"
"And home he shall feel he deserves the world after all"
"I agree"
"Well he said that maybe he will be joining us so let's get everything ready and your room is still the same"
"I couldn't touch your room but I would clean it regularly"
"Thank you Dream, but I wouldn't need a redecorating"
"Well at least you are here to do it yourself"
"Rude i thought you were going to help me"
"I mean I might.... Eventually"
"Could i ask a random question?"
"Ask away"
"Have you open our parents will?"
"I have not"
"First part of the will is that both children have to be present or one has to be dead, since your body was never found you were never really dead just disappeared"
"Well when would we be able to read it?"
"Tomorrow, for sure as soon as possible"
"Will you talk to George?"
"I'm trying to make him comfortable and trust me its difficult since my inner wolf is trying to mark him badly"
"Damn hormones are real"
"You have no idea little sis"

♝1185 words♝
Quick update?! I've been feeling inspired!
Have a lovely day/night! <3

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