Chapter 5.5 - Foreign Place

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Drista's POV:
*7 years ago*

Darkness. Darkness is all I could see, my head was pounding and fear is what I felt. Seeing my parents lifeless bodies on the road made me almost wanting to throw up. As I try to stand up I see that my left arm is broken and my head is bleading a lot. When I tried to find a phone to call Anderson I felt a cold hand grabbing my hand.

"What do you think you are doing little girl?"
"What do you want?! Leave me alone!"
"I can't do that sweety you see Alpha Jack needs you and since your selfish brother and family wont cooperate these are the consequences!"
"What are you going to do to me??"
"Don't worry little one, I'm just the messenger but I don't know what will Jack do.."
"Please just tell him I died I won't say anything.. I just want to see my brother again!!"
"Now i wouldn't get payed that way, so cooperate or I'll ducktape that mouth of yours understood?"
"Yes sir"
"Good girl now get in before people see us.."

The drive felt long mostly since of my still throbbing head and my broken arm, but we finally arrived to an abandoned building far from the center of L'Manberg but still in its radius.

"Stay here and don't try to escape, it will be less painful for you."
"I don't mean to be a bother but my head really hurts and I have a broken arm?"
"Ah yes of course I forgot you were in n accident. Well Alpha Jack will be deciding where to take you I just listen to instructions. Now shut up I'm trying to listen to the radio."
"Yes sorry."
*30 minutes later*

"Ahh thank you Eret!"
"No problem Alpha and the money?"
"Its in the hallway now leave."
"Of course pleasure doing business with you!"

"Now little Alpha, I can smell the Alpha genes in you."
"That is weird to say, aren't you old?"
"I'm not trying to hit on you! I already have a 'mate' that I love dearest!"
"Why do you have me here? When can I leave? Can you take me to the hospital I have a broken arm and a throbbing head"
"For a 10 year old you sure do talk in big words and complete sentences."
"Like you said I'm a 10 year old, I'm not stupid."
"For now I'll take you to a hospital since I need you alive, but dont try anything funny!"
"Great! Right this way.. umm.."
"Right! Come hither now Drista"

*2 weeks after the car accident and hospital since nothing interesting will happen*

*Back at the abandoned building*

"Now that you are all recovered, lets get straight into business, mind now telling me where the bloodring is?"
"What in the hell is a blood ring?"
"Don't act dumb with me child, you are totally old enough to know what is a bloodring."
"I mean obviously I know what it is, I just choose not to say it."
"You mother fu- *breathe* Then tell me where is it?"
"Just because I know what the hell you are talking about doesn't mean I know where my parents kept it."
"If that is true then describe me what it is?"
"*roll eyes* the blood ring is a ring that has magic powers that can be given to the person who posses it. It gives you, your internal powers in other words."
"I knew your parents told yo-"
"The ring is not singular is plural there are only 9 in existence."
"Wait- I didn't know that.."
"Then you didn't do your homework because if you didn't know that then you wouldn't have known that these rings are given at birth and can't be removed. If the person dies and he/she/they had the ring then the ring dies with the person. So when you killed my parents you killed 2 rings in the process."


"Thus now there only being 7 rings in existence and I have one of them so if you were to kill me, the ring dies with me."
"How do I know you aren't lying"
*shows the ring in her finger* "is this enough evidence for you?"
"Shit you are right.."
"I know I am I dont have to lie since I know you arent going to kill me"
"That may be true but I know for a fact there has to be a way to remove the ring from you."
"Try if you like."
'Proceeds to try but doesn't succeed'
"I know for a fact you didn't super glued it, that ring really doesn't come off."
"Told you so!"
'Tried with clippers but the clippers just break'
"Told you that it doesn't come off"
"Shut up! I know for a fact that there is a way but you just wont tell me! Until you tell me you will stay here and suffer without sunlight, water, food. As well as chained up because who knows what you will do. Let's see for how long you can keep that little secret!"
*slams door*

"Where are you Dream when I need you.."
"Wait I'm dumb I forgot I have the ring with me *face palms*"
"Nature please help me, I need your strength I need you to break this window with all your might help me be free and be reunited with my brother."

My ring now glows a brown color, I see roots coming from the concrete floor, one by one they come and help me off the chains and and help me break the window carefully to not make them follow me.
As I smell the night it makes me feel at peace, as I also now realize I dont know where home is.. I dont know where my pack is, I dont know where anything is..
Turning into my small brown wolf for better eye sight of the night I take the route through the trees since I'll blend in with nature.



~1017 words~

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