Smiling is something I haven't stopped doing since I met him. I love that for me. I mean honestly...Derrick who?


"You got a root canal coming in." I peeked my head in  Shane's office

"Ok, aren't you about to take your break?"

"Yup, Alex is gonna' stand in for me."

My phone vibrated in my pocket for the 10th time in the last 5 minutes. It had to be no one other than Derrick's triflin' ass. Of course I blocked him, but he keeps calling from different textnow and WhatsApp numbers.

"Ok have a nice lunch." He said

I nodded and headed to the break room to clock out. I grabbed my lunch from the refrigerator and went to my car. I like my coworkers, but eating in the break room makes it feel like I'm still on the clock.

Once I got in my car I opened my salad, applying all of my dressing. I began eating and pulled out my phone. Sure enough I had a bunch of calls from different unsaved numbers. As I was blocking him, he called again. I decided to answer, fed up with his foolishness.

"Hello? Bitch so you acting brand new now?! You know I had to pay rent by myself last month?"

"First off, watch your mouth. Secondly, it's 'bout time you grew up and started taking on some responsibility." I chewed in his ear

"Ughh! I hate yo ass!"

"Then please stop calling me every other day. Haven't I made it clear that we are doneee? We so done we're overcooked." I chuckled at my own corny joke

"Is it because you fuckin' that light skin nigga?!"

"On a daily. Now do me a favor, get a life, get a job, and get the fuck off my phone." I hung up before he got a chance to say anything else

I sat back in my seat, smiling. I'm truly proud of myself, I normally would've been back with his toxic ass by now, but now the thought of who I was with him just makes me sick. I also have Chris to thank for that because he's been a big influence in helping me through this process and he doesn't even know it.
It's crazy how someone can come in your life so suddenly and treat you better than you've been treated in years.
Speaking of, let me call my man.

The phone rang for a few before he answered my FaceTime "Wassup beautiful."

"Hey baby. What you doing?" I continued eating

"Just got done with a client. How's work?"

"It's good. You ate today?"

"Bout to grab something from the sub place next door before this next client come in." He fixed his hat "I'd rather eat you though."

"I'm on the menu tonight."

"Oh shit, about that. My next session might not be over till 8. We can still hit up a late night spot after I get off."

"No, no." I sighed "It's fine."

"You sure?" He looked at the screen as if he was searching my emotions

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