Part 15

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"They've been in there forever," Alessandra complained.

"Yeah, I definitely think they have had enough time to talk it out," Eva let out getting up and walking off to the living room.

"She's so cute when she's feisty," Niall let out trailing after her. 

"Let's go troops," Amelia let out chuckling and they all followed. 

"Are you guys done sucking face?" liam let out.

"Yeah," Zayn let out sitting across with Nelia next to him.

Eva sat across from them, "Good, we were getting bored." 

"We won five dollars," Alessandra said jumping on Eva.

"Get off," Eva let out pushing her. 

"How?" Nelia let out. 

"We bet you guys would be sucking face so Liam came and we were right," She let out. 

"Nice, glad we could help your financial situation," Nelia let out. 

Jessie was wrapped in Louis arms playing with his fingers. 

"Nelia, the phone is for you," Her mother let out walking in. 

"Who is it?" Nelia asked walking towards the kitchen. 

"Your father," She let out. 

Eva looked at them, "Her dad is a character," She let out chuckling. 

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. 

"My uncle is hilarious," She said smiling. 

"Does she see him alot?" Zayn asked. 

"Nope, but he calls alot." Alessandra said. 

"That's good that they talk." Liam said. 

"Yeah," Eva let out. 

"Is your dad the same Eva?" Niall asked. 

She shrugged. 

"How don't you know?" harry let out. 

"Cause she doesn't know him," Jessie let out annoyed by how they were bringing it up. 

"Oh," the guys let out. 

There was an awkward silence and Nelia came in, "Eva, Pa wants to talk to you." 

She froze as Eva got up awkwardly and walked over, she passed her the phone. 

"Everything okay?" She let out. 

Amelia nodded, "What did I miss?" Nelia let out. 

Eva walked out to the kitchen. 

"Mr.Nosy over here brought up Eva's dad." Alessandra let out.

"Oh, Is she okay?" She asked looking back. 

"I think," Jessie let out. 

"OH well, my dad will cheer her up." She let out walking to sit down. 

"What did you guys talk about?" Jessie asked. 

"He might come for Christmas," Nelia let out smiling. 

"When was the last time you saw him?" One of the boys asked. 

"My 15th Birthday," Nelia let out. 

"And you're going to be 19?" Harry asked. 

Nelia nodded, "He can't always afford for us to go here or there." She said. 

Eva came back out. 

"We are def coming for december, I don't care." She let out laughing. 

"You guys should and I can come up with you guys," Alessandra let out. 

"I know, for real!" Eva let out. 

"You should though, I hate spending Christmas alone with my mother," Nelia said looking out for her mother. 

"All of us girls should come," Jessie said. 

"Leaving us out eh?" Liam let out. 

"You guys don't even know if we will acknowledge each other's existence by then," Eva let out. 

"I will always acknowledge yours," niall let out. Eva rolled her eyes,

"You're so corny," She let out smiling at him. 

He kissed her. 

"Get a room," Amelia let out throwing a pillow at them.

"Don't hate on love," Alessandra let out. 

Amelia was playing with Liam's rip in his jeans and it got quiet for a few minutes. 

"When does school start up for you guys?" Louis asked. 

"Next week," Eva let out sighing.

"Eva's finally a senior," Alessandra let out.

"Congrats," Louis said

Eva smiled.

"I start next thursday," Jessie let out.

"Me too," Alessandra and Amelia let out.

Nelia laughed, "I start next friday and I have one class," She let out cheekily.

"Good for you," jessie let out.

"Don't hate," Nelia said laughing.

Jessie was smiling and rolled her eyes, 'Never that my love,"

The next few days went by quickly. 

They all had flights to leave on different days. 

Eva left first. 

"Love of my life," Nelia yelled hugging her tightly. "I'm going to miss you," She said as a tear fell from her cheek. 

"See you on Christmas," She said pulling away to hug the other girls. 

Niall was the only one there to say goodbye to her. 

"The other ones send their good byes. They said it was too early to get up," He chuckled grabbing her hand. 

"Even if we don't keep in contact, thank you." Eva let out smiling. 

"For what?" He asked. 

"Making my summer unforgettable, for showing me that dreams do come true." She said smiling at him and a tear fell down her cheek.

"Don't cry," He said wiping the tear. 

She smiled at him.

"Promise me something," He let out. 

She nodded, "Promise that you won't forget me and that you will ty to keep in contact with me?" He let out. 

She smiled, "I promise, and promise me something," She let out wrapping her hands around his neck. 

"Anything," He let out smiling at her. 

"Promise you won't forget about me even if we never speak again," She said. 

"Promise," he let out. 

"Eva, your flight," Claire let out. 

She kissed him, "I love you," he let out. 

She looked at him. 

"I love you too," She let out smiling and turning to walk away. 

She froze for a second and ran back and kissed him one more time. 

"See you later Niall?" She said. 

He nodded and smiled. 

As she turned to leave everyone around him was leaving and he stood there with a tear falling down his cheek.

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