Part 6

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Nelia's POV...

That kiss played over and over in my head. 

Zayn Malik, of One Direction, said he liked me...

Not only does he like me... He kissed me. 

Typical of me to get feelings for people that I can't have. 

He's famous... I'm not...

I mean this fling is nice and all. His cute texts make my heart go wild but in the end only one will be getting hurt... Probably me. 

I couldn't believe that I got myself into another one of these never gonna happen situations...

I always did stuff like that.

I sat next to Jessie. I heard her phone go off. 

I looked over. Louis had written to her. I felt bad for all of us. They were going to have to end it with us so why lead us on?

Why hurt us?

Why am I being such a pessimist about it though? 

I know that even if it doesn't last I loved that kiss and I love reading those texts... 

When we got to Verona, we went to our room. 

We settled in and decided to go get some pizza. I held Jessie's stuff while she paid. 

Her phone was going off, she told me to answer it. 

It was Louis.

I answered, "Jessie?" He let out.

"She's paying for the pizza," I said.

"Who is it?" She let out walking towards me, "Your lover boy," i let out with a little chuckle. I heard Louis chuckle as I passed her the phone and walked over to eat.

After we ate, we walked around Verona. We got to the wall that was in Letters to Juliet.

 It looked exactly the same. It was beautiful. We took pictures in front of it. 

"Someone's calling you," Eva let out passing me the phone after trying to take a pic of me and Alessandra by the wall.

I answered, "Hello?" 

"It's me," He let out. 

"Why'd you call private?" I asked. 

"Calling from the bus' phone, mine is charging." He said. 

"Oh that's cool," I sad as I trailed behind the girls.

"How's Italy?" He let out in a funny accent. I chuckled, "It's beautiful," i let out.

I could hear his smile when he talked, "What have you guys done today?" He asked.

"Got some amazing Pizza and walked around, now we're going back home." I let out.

"I'm glad you like it, we'll have to go together someday." He said. It made me smile.

"What do you say?" He let out."Sounds like a plan," I let out.

"Well, I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm going to go now and go to rehearsal. I'll text you in a bit eh?" He let out.

"Sound good," I let out as we hung up.

Eva was smiling at me.

"Shove it," I let out laughing with her.

"You two are adorable," Alessandra let out.

I shook my head and let my thoughts slip out, "Why are we sitting here letting them lead us on when it won't work?"  

They all looked at me then we all looked at each other. I know they thought the same thing. 

Amelia let out, "Because it's a vacation and we are single and we can do whatever we please," She said smiling. 

I loved that explanation. 

Because we could do whatever we wanted, that's why I was letting myself fall.

-End of Chapter-

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