Not far from the sofas there were several beautiful bookcases, filled with books in expensive looking leather covers - and the whole picture was completed by a huge terry carpet covering the floor, and a huge chandelier decorated with crystal hanging from the ceiling.

'This is... A nice house...' Ainz blinked.

In the past, he never saw what the inside of a rich person's house looked like - which was not surprising for someone of his social status. But now, looking at this splendidly decorated living room, Ainz was sure that this was how a rich person's mansion would have looked from the inside. Though probably with more modern amenities...

"So... Oh, and there are unexpectedly many of you," The familiar voice attracted Ainz, forcing him to turn around. Seeing the person who had allowed them entrance into the house, Ainz decided to take a closer look at the owner of the mansion for the first time.

The speaker was male, he looked a little over twenty, an age where one had already passed the period of adolescent awkwardness, but had not yet acquired truly adult features. Coupled with the person's apparent youth, his soft colored blonde hair, and genial way of talking, he looked like a very harmless young man.

Anyway... the man was dressed in a white shirt, gray pants and a gray jacket casually draped over his shoulders. His hands were covered with black gloves, and on his nose rested glasses in black frames, giving him the most harmless and good-natured look that could be imagined. Of course, without stepping to the level of a white fluffy rabbit.

"So, Arthuria..." Ainz was distracted from his inspection of the white-haired probable Servant when he heard Saber, which looked so wrong in the tastefully decorated living room, Ainz's brain, chose to ignore him when he was examining the room. Definitely, the huge metal armor and the imposing manner with which Saber threw his legs on the table made Ainz exclude the metal encased Servant.

However, as soon as Arthuria appeared on the threshold of the room, Saber immediately rose from his relaxed pose on the sofa and quickly lowered his feet from the table. The action forced Ainz to remember Yamaiko's stories about students, which immediately turned from lounging punks into diligent excellent students when the teacher appeared on the doorstep.

"What do you want?" Arthuria gave Saber a cold look, but even Ainz could easily tell that right now Arthuria was frowning at Saber as if trying to remember something.

"Hmm, Arthuria... I would like to..." - Saber hesitated for a second - which, given his large armor, was a little strange, - "Talk to you..."

Arthuria looked closely at the Saber, then turned to Ainz, "Master."

Ainz just nodded at Arthuria's unasked question, and then turned to the owner of the mansion, who was closely watching Arthuria and Saber.

"Ah, so that's it..." The owner of the mansion, as if realizing something incomprehensible to Ainz himself, immediately nodded, then turned to Ainz himself, - "Hmm, in that case..."

"And who is the hopeless idiot who had decided to join the the suicide squad of this damned city?" Ainz instantly turned to the new voice, to the stairs that lead to the second floor not far away to see a...


Ainz froze for a second before the child turned to Ainz, after which he scowled at all the Servants and exhaled a deep sigh, "Oh no, there is not only one desperate idiot here, there are a whole bunch of fools... Oh, what can I say to that - besides, that madness and defeat loves company?"

Ainz blinked.

The voice that he heard belonged to someone who might have been close to Ainz's age... Maybe a little younger - however, what Ainz heard and what he saw did not match at all. The speaker was a child, a very young child, a prime schooler even.

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