„Is it?"

She nodded once more. „You know why?"

„So that if you put your head on my very hairy chest, you can listen to my heart?"

Her lips pulled into a beaming smile. „That's exactly right! So then... coming back to my initial question. Not that I need this for my ego. But... can you now confirm that you're having the best sex of your life in your forties or no?"

„Well, you know... it's hard to say. I think sometimes, when you're experimenting, in order to get a reliable result, you need to increase the sample size. Or...", he reached out and placed his hand against her cheek, softly caressing her face, „run the same experiment multiple times."

He looked deep into her eyes and saw her larynx move briefly before she nodded. „I think that would be the fairest and most proper approach, yes... and if you're up for it, I would be willing to support you in your further research."

She let the bedsheet fall, not caring anymore whether he saw her, and all of her, as she climbed over to sit on his lap, straddling him.

„You know... for science."

He let his fingertips run up her back along her spine as his heart was beating faster and faster, then he touched her shoulder, her neck and ultimately ran his hand through her hair, grabbing it gently and pulling her in for a kiss.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, closing her eyes and giving into him with a sigh, eventually feeling his lips on her jaw, her neck, and finally her breasts, making her quietly gasp his name which seemed to turn him on quite a bit. While letting her hands run over his torso, she could feel his growing anticipation through the sheets, and their little foreplay was cut short when she decided that they were both more than ready for another round.

She leaned over and opened the top drawer of her night stand, feeling for something, searching in every corner more and more frantically, for something that wasn't there.

„Fuck!", she exclaimed.

„What is it?", he asked, already breathing heavily, gently holding on to her by the hips.

„We're out of condoms... we must have used the last one last night."

„Oh... and... now?"

„Well, what do you think?", she climbed off of him with a disappointed sigh, reaching for a hair tie to tie her curls up into a bun, then putting on her glasses, „No condoms, no fun!"


„We need to buy a new pack. I gotta run to the pharmacy anyway. We can stop by on our way over to your place when I drop you off."

Then, her look fell back onto the bed sheets where she could clearly see that not every part of his body wanted to accept their dire reality.

„Shit... I'm sorry!", she said, „You want me to jerk you off or something?"

„What?! Oh gosh, no, no, no, don't worry, I'm alright."

„Are you sure?"

„Yeah, don't worry about it!", he waved it off.

„I don't mind! I'm quite good at it, or so I hear."

„I don't doubt that for a second. It's just... it would make me feel uncomfortable."

„Alright, then... if you say so. For whatever reason you're declining a handjob that was offered to you even though you'd VERY clearly need it", she got out of bed, handing him a box of tissues, „let's do it like that: I'll go take a shower and get ready, and you do whatever you gotta do, just... don't make a mess, okay? I just changed the sheets a couple of days ago."

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