37.Tears of blood

Start from the beginning

Akshath reminisced and stood before Mythili.

"I love my sister so much, and I can't see tears in her eyes. Do you know something...when Arpitha woke up six months later from her coma, she went into a severe depression...She uttered only Aagney's name. Do you know how many times Abhi went and begged him to accept my sister? I would have lived as his slave for the rest of my life ...or better, would have killed myself for what I had done to his sister had he taken my sister as his wife....but no...even after splitting up from you, he loved only you...All his anger was a farce to protect you. And my revenge changed into madness to get you away from his life. But you were already his wife and now bearing his child inside you. Only if I take you away from Aagney's life will he accept my sister. But I don't want to commit another sin. So you will come with me obediently. I promise I won't hurt you or your child," he said to Mili and stormed out of the room.

Mythili stood there frozen, hearing Akshath's confession. She remembered Aagney telling her about a girl who proposed to him in college and how he had rejected her. But Mili didn't remember her name, and neither did Aagney mention her name. They had both brushed it off as a joke. And now, after hearing about Arpitha from Akshath, Mili realized that the girl had severe mental issues. Not just Arpitha but even Akshath had serious problems. And he is the most selfish person on earth...all he thinks about is his sister's happiness, and he deliberately forgets that Avni is Aagney's sister. And because of their madness, Avni lost her life, Aagney was tortured in jail, and she went through hell...all because of their selfishness.

Mythili walked to and fro in the room, praying that the person she had sent the last message to inform everyone that she was in trouble. It was to Diya that she sent the message along with the others, as she suspected she was walking into a trap laid by Priyamvadha. All she could do now was to pray for Aagney to come and save her from this psycho and his family. But all of it ended when Akshath walked in, followed by Naomi after an hour.

"Change of plans, Mythili.We are going today...right now," he smirked and yanked her into his chest.

"What? Leave me...I won't come with you," She tried to let herself free from his hold.

"Mythili...Do you want to see Raghuveer and Dharini Mittal dead? Trust me... don't test my patience...If you do not come with me after signing these papers, I will let my men kill them...Do you want to see your dear parents' death, or do you wish to see your beloved Aagney standing as an orphan because of your stubbornness," he threatened a petrified Mili.

"Don't hurt anyone...I...I will come with you", Mili stuttered, seeing his madness.

"Good...now sign these papers," he forwarded some documents to Mili.

"What are these?" she asked, taking the papers in her trembling hands.

"Divorce papers, "Akshath answered nonchalantly.

"What?"tears rolled down Mili's eyes.

"For my sister to be Aagney's legal wife, divorce from you is inevitable. Now sign...I don't have time for your melodrama," he said indifferently.

Mili signed those papers with a heavy heart and stood there like a doll, shedding tears of blood.

"Let's leave Mythili...Come with me," he held Mili's ice-cold hands and dragged her with him outside the house.

"Naomi...I want you to be here and inform me about the situation. I suspect that Abhiram has had a change of heart regarding Mythili... he would not go against dad as of now. I changed my plan because of Abhi...I don't want him to know where I am taking Mythili...Keep me updated, and don't let my trust in you fail, "Akshath told Naomi.

"No, Bhai...You can trust me...I want only my best friend's happiness...Nothing else matters to me," she assured him.

"Alright then...See you soon," he said, making Mythil sit inside his car and signal the driver to start the vehicle. As the car drove off, Mythili sat inside lifeless, fearing that she would never meet her Dev ever again.


"Tell me...Where is my Mithu? Or I will burn you alive, bastard?"Aagney shook Abiram violently.

"Aagney...leave him, or he will die, "Gautam tried to appease an angry Aagney.

"I have no idea...Bhai took her away without informing me because he doubted my intentions. I'm sorry I'm helpless. Trust me, Bhai won't hurt Mythili. I will try to trace their whereabouts soon...My dad is the home minister, and extracting information about Bhai from right under his nose is tough. But I will try my best, "Abhi tried to convince them.

"It's all my fault...Had I seen Mili's message earlier, Aagney sir would have reached Akshath earlier. Please, Mr.Khanna...ask your brother to give my Mili back to Aagney, Sir...Please ...have some mercy...Mili is pregnant, for god's sake," Diya cried miserably, folding her hands in front of Abhiram.

Gautam comforted her by patting her shoulders while Abhiram looked at her with despair.

"There's one way to make Bhai bring Mili back to India, "Abhiram said softly to them.

"Spill, "Aagney roared at Abhiram.

"Marry my sister Arpitha," Abhiram said, looking at them desperately.

"How dare you?"Aagney punched him hard, and Abhiram fell on the floor with a thud while Diya and Gautam looked at Abhiram in anger.

How was the chapter?

I wanted to end in two chapters ...but I gave a slight separation for Aagney and Mili because Aagney needed to be punished for forcing Mili right... reader's choice.😈😈😈😏😏😏

So will Aagney marry Arpitha to save Mili...😈😈😈

Will Mili survive since her pregnancy is complicated and Akshath seems to have no idea of it?🥺🥺🥺

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