19.My Agni

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Mythili's POV

"Hey, Mili...Why are you smiling so much? "Diya's question startled me and made me realize that I was currently at the devil's office.

"Nothing...I just remembered something, "I brushed her off. I was actually lost in the thoughts of the Devil, who has now become the daddy devil.

"Are you trying to keep my child hungry?" Aagney had growled at me in the morning as I tried to skip my breakfast before coming to the office. I smiled again, thinking of his mood swings. He has become more unpredictable in the last 24 hours. He took me to his home when I was discharged from the hospital. And also stubbornly brought me to his office today, saying that I would be under his watchful eye at the time.

"Tell me all about that something," she smirked at me.

"Who is he? What is he doing? And when is your marriage?"Diya chuckled.

"Shut up, Diya. You and your imagination, "I rolled my eyes at her.

"Huh...I knew it...You are in love...When are you going to introduce me to my brother-in-law? "She asked curiously.

Love?Brother-in-law?Seriously?Diya would faint if she knew who I was thinking about, I thought to myself.

"Did you know that I had always shipped you with Mr.Mittal?" she said dreamily, and my eyes bulged out at her remark.

"What? "I choked on the water I was drinking.

"Yeah...you both look cute together," she said.

"Cute. Are you crazy? The devil will murder me if he hears you, "I said anxiously.

"You are right. But I don't care. I deliberately paired you with Aagney Sir in my mind to forget all about that makeup box Naomi who claims to be in love with our sweet MD," Diya vented her frustration.

"So you think of me as a scapegoat, "I rolled my eyes at her.

"Nope. Though Aagney Sir doesn't express it, he really cares for you. I saw how he carefully brought you to the cabin in the morning. Also, he gave me instructions to make sure that you ate your lunch on time. I know you were in hospital yesterday due to fatigue...but which employer takes care of his employee like a fragile doll. Doesn't that mean he has some feelings for you? Or are you hiding something from me?" Diya teased me.

He doesn't care for me, Diya...He cares only for his child growing inside me, my mind yelled, but I hid my emotions well and gave her a faint smile.

"You and your wild imaginations. I'm not interested in that devil, and I'm pretty sure he is also not interested in me. I am just his employee...that's it. Naomi Madam can have him for all I care, "I huffed and turned to the laptop in front of me. I was currently at Diya's cabin after we both had our lunch today.

"Woah, you named the bitch, and she appears, "Diya said, glancing at the entrance to her cabin. I looked in the direction and saw Naomi standing there with a caustic face.

"You both...wasting my Aagney's resources by sitting and chatting during office hours," she barked.

"My Aagney?Finally, makeup box has lost her mind, I think, "Diya murmured under her breath, suppressing her laughter. I couldn't help myself as I let out a small chuckle.

"You...Mythili...What is there to laugh at? "She scowled.

"Nothing, we were just talking, Naomi. But why are you here?" Diya asked curiously.

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