Interlude: The Blacks and the Greens

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

111 AC

There would be a tourney for the fifth anniversary of her father and Alicent's marriage.

Prior to that, Viserys had all the lords of the realm and their heirs reswear their vows to Jaehaera.

"Are you sure about this?" Rhaenyra muttered.

"Yes." the Fire Princess answered.

The two were late enough for it to be dramatic. Which Jaehaera needed.

"Princess Jaehaera Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone! And Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen!" the announcer declared and the doors swung open.

There were a few gasps.

Jaehaera wore a in Valyrian style, with billowy sleeves and a gently flowing skirt. It was spun from pure black silk, with the crimson three headed dragon embroidered on the skirt and crimson silk flames on the skirt and sleeves, and her hair pulled back in braids and Blackfyre strapped across her back, she looked just like Visenya.

With all the horror and dread that implied if someone tried to challenge her claim to the Iron Throne.

Rhaenyra wore a similar gown but not in Valyrian Style. Her black silk dress was styled to look like dragon scales and a crown of red horns around the neck, hair down loose.

Both girls wore little makeup and walked to the head table.

There, Jaehaera sat on her father's right and Alicent on her father's left, Rhaenyra sitting next to her betrothed Laenor while Laenyx sat next to Jaehaera. 

And Jaehaera's personal sigil hung above her.

The Fire Princess's personal sigil consisted of a red three headed dragon in front of a silver full moon on a black field.

The shift was near instantaneous, lords and ladies shifting sides for their preferred candidate for the Iron Throne.

House Velaryon and the Blackwater Bay Houses, House Arryn and the Vale, House Baratheon and the Stormlands—she had promised that one of Borros's future son would be the husband of one of her future daughters—House Stark and the North, as well as some Reachmen and Riverlander Houses backed her.

House Hightower, their vassals, House Peake and one half of the Marcher lords backed Aegon.

Alicent sucked in a sharp breath as did Jaehaera.

The lines of battle had been drawn.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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