Attack in the forest

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The Kingsroad, the Riverlands

104 AC

It was a year after Jaehaera was appointed as Princess of Dragonstone. And Viserys decided to take a royal progress through the Riverlands.

Jaehaera and Rhaenyra—who was being trained to be the Hand for her twin–were trained in politics by Viserys, Corlys, and Rhaenys, and the rest of the Small Council pitched in as well.

Jaehaera rode her horse next to her father. She glanced uneasily around the trees as Vermithor and Syrax flew overhead.

Bandits were more active now. The party would stop at Harrenhal, and House Strong were sending men ahead to escort the royal party to the castle.

"Is it me or does the atmosphere have 'somethings's going to go wrong' feeling?" a guard behind her said.

It was like 'ask and you shall be answered' because a split second later bandits burst through the woods.

Jaehaera screamed as the battle began. Vermithor!

I'M COMING! but with how dense the trees were he couldn't make it through. Nor could he air strike without risking setting the forest on fire.

The violet eyed princess let out a scream of pain as an arrow grazed her cheek, breaking skin and the bandits cut her off from the royal party. 

"The princess." one of the bandits said. "I wonder what its like to kiss a princess."

"GO AWAY! HELP!" Jaehaera screamed, kicking the bandit in the nose as he pulled her from her horse.

Then more people burst into the clearing. 

A figure with the sigil of House Strong on his shield slammed his war hammer into the bandits head before smashing into another bandits face.

Jaehaera scrambled away, the blood splattering her face and clothing. She widely grabbed for a knife as another bandit snatched her up and slammed it into the bandits throat.

He dropped her and she landed on her ass on the ground. She brushed her hand to her face, the bleeding at stopped but there was blood on her face.

"Are you okay Princess?" the knight asked. He lifted his visor, revealing eighteen year old Harwin Strong, the third son of Lyonel Strong.

Jaehaera nodded and he helped her to her feet. "Let's find the others." the Strong knight said, letting the princess cling to him, shaking in terror.

"I want Vermithor." she whispered.

The duo made their way to the royal party. Jaehaera rushed to her father when she saw him. Rhaenyra was also splattered in blood and mud, but otherwise seemed fine.

"Jae! Thank the Gods you're alright." Viserys said, holding her close.

"Let's move." Harwin advised. "You royals should fly ahead, Your Grace."

"We should, Viserys." Aemma said and Viserys nodded.

Vermithor and Syrax carefully handed, letting the royals climb aboard. When they landed at Harrenhal, Jaehaera vaguely remembered getting bathed before passing out in her bed.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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