Birth of Twins

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

97 AC

"Your Grace, you may come in now." the midwife said.

"My wife? The babe?" Viserys asked.

"Princess Aemma is healthy, thought the pregnancy was tiring. And two little princesses have joined House Targaryen—identical little ones." the midwife smiled.

Viserys entered the room, hurrying for his wife's side. Aemma smiled tiredly up at him, holding two infants in her arms. One had a red ribbon around her wrist, the other a black one.

"This is the older one." Aemma said softly after the twins finished nursing, giving her husband the twin with the black ribbon around her wrist.

"Hello little one." Viserys smiled softly as violet eyes meet his own. The babe cooed and he offered her a finger, which she grabbed.

"Jaehaera for this one. After grandfather." Viserys asked.

"Jaehaera Targaryen. I like the sound of that." Aemma smiled. She looked down at the other twin, identical to her sister. "And Rhaenyra for this one. I've always liked the sound of the name."

"Jaehaera and Rhaenyra Targaryen. They'll be a fine pair one day." Viserys smiled.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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