XX. Massacre Counter

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Raxyas had been pinned down by a sabertooth-like beast. The trio had encountered some of the jungle's inhabitants, which were none to pleased with the three intruders. What started off as a small confrontation was quickly getting out of hand, as the sound of battle alerted even more beasts to join the fight.

Raxyas: Shit...! I got careless...

Raxyas musters his strength and manages to raise both of his feet up to the creature's stomach, kicking it backward and getting up from the ground. 

Ilka: HAHAHAH! The thrill of battle! Doesn't it just fill you with energy?!

Ilka was effortlessly cutting down all the creatures that were coming at him. With every hit, he grew faster. Stronger. Any common warrior would grow wearier as the battle draws out. Not him. He just got more and more relentless.

Naizk: Seriously... Why even bring us along?! We're practically dead weight here!

Ilka: Shut up Naizk, keep fighting!

Ilka, like Naizk, was one of the few members of Incola with two weapons. On his left hand, he held a six-digit number counter. Every time he destroyed an enemy, the counter would go up by one. It seemed that, as the number on the counter rose, so did his combat abilities. At that time, that number was 675,102. On his right hand, he practically had what could only be described as three rotating chainsaws attached to an armored gauntlet. The chainsaws could easily carve into the bone and tissue of any opponent, tearing them to shreds in moments. Paired with Ilka's unmatched agility, the monsters had no chance of even laying a finger on him.

 Paired with Ilka's unmatched agility, the monsters had no chance of even laying a finger on him

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Naizk: Jeez...

Out of the three of them, Naizk was struggling the most. His shotguns were incredibly powerful, but the reload times really did him in. Facing two battles against hordes of enemies, back-to-back... It clearly wasn't his lucky day.

Raxyas: Stick close to me, Naizk! Just focus on killing whichever monsters get past me, if we don't fight together we're doomed.

Ilka: What's the matter you two?! Strategizing for something as simple as pest control? HAHAHAH!

Together, Raxyas and Naizk could keep the beasts at bay. Whenever more beasts were attacking than Raxyas could take down, Naizk would step in with his shotguns and help keep their numbers at bay. While they were working pretty well, they couldn't compare to Ilka. He was easily defeating more monsters than the two of them combined.

Raxyas: How many more are there...?

Naizk: Not too many, by the looks of it.

Ilka: Ahh... Boring!

They had culled most of the beasts. The few that were left thought twice about engaging, and would rather avoid the trio entirely. Shortly after, the battle had completely ceased.

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