XIX. Mirror, Mirror...

Start from the beginning

Okir searches the ground, but the child is not convinced. It stares everywhere. At the corners of the room, at the walls, at the ceiling... The ceiling. He spots something.

Neio: Oki, look! Up th-

Before he finishes his sentence, Bazren's flail hits Okir straight in the neck, decapitating him with massive force. His soul is immediately expelled from the vessel. She descends from the ceiling, and captures the soul using her sphere.

Bazren: Look kid, this didn't need to happen.

Neio: Oki...

The child looks at Okir's soulless vessel.

Bazren: Just sit in the corner over there, and let me do what I came here to do.

The child looks at Bazren, dead in the eye.

Neio: Just sit in the corner over there, and let me do what I came here to do.

In his right hand, he summons a mirror. He holds it up to his face, toward Bazren. 

It's surface was crystalline

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It's surface was crystalline. She looks directly into it, and sees a perfect reflection of herself.

Neio: Is that a soul weapon...?

Bazren: Is that a soul weapon...?

It said exactly what she was thinking before she even said it herself. Before her eyes, Neio's vessel morphed and transformed. Bone and tissue twisted and turned to mimic Bazren's vessel as close as possible. Within moments, Neio had become a near-perfect clone of Bazren. His eyes turned crystalline, as crystalline as the mirror itself.

Neio: You're gonna end up hurt, kid.

Before Bazren could utter those words, she stopped herself. If it knew what was on her mind... Then did it also know that she was about to jump to the right?

Neio: I do.

Neio summons the flail, and intercepts Bazren's jump mid-air, sending her flying outside the vault. Luckily, Neio's flail did not seem to have as much power as her own. Bazren hurriedly gets up as Neio slowly approaches her.

Neio: How far ahead can he see? Does he know about Raxyas? Shit! I can't think about him right now. This kid is gonna find out everything!

Neio laughs histerically.

Neio: Sir Ilkatorza will not be pleased when he finds about this, you know... But that's okay. I'll hand him your soul on a silver platter, that will surely make things right.

Those weren't Bazren's thoughts. This kid could not only peer into her main, but maintain full control over his own, simultaneously. Who was he...?

Neio: I am Neio. The youngest member of Incola. I was the last to get a soul weapon, but you see... It was deemed as the most dangerous weapon of all our members. Sir Ilkatorza himself had me locked up inside that room, until I learned to control it. It was only recently that I was allowed to exit it...

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