| favorite food |
| an entire rotisserie chicken. |

| least favorite food |
| tofu |

| talents |
− tracking
− killing targets quickly
− hunting
− eating things really fast
− fishing
− hiding

| ultimate attack |
| "feast" |
[ in which Erys summons a construct of a GIANT FUCKING SNAKE upon the battlefield, siccing the construct on all nearby enemies. the snake nose-dives into the middle of the battlefield, before exploding into a thousand shards of pure energy, dealing a whole lot of damage. ]


| personality |

| Erys is surprisingly docile for a god-eater. she is passive, obedient, and shameless, and seemingly has no regard for other individual's emotions or wellbeing. she is incredibly apathetic, and only appears to show any shred of emotion when she's with the Deities.

Erys has been described by outsiders as "having nothing behind the eyes" - it's impossible to tell what she's thinking unless she speaks up about it, but that's rare. she often keeps her thoughts to herself, and if she has an issue, she goes to Athanasios and nobody else.

she is good at identifying niche types of people, and separating personalities from one another. truth be told, she just knows how to read people. she's not a psychic or anything, she just studies body language and human behaviors often. usually, when she has a bad feeling about someone, it's justified.

also, Erys hates talking. she claims that it's because speaking for a long time hurts her voice, so she only speaks in short sentences and one-word responses. most of the time she just points at the subject she's talking about and leaves interpretation up to the viewer. |


| background |

[ work in progress, but she was basically a Shier Whia that was imprisoned, cursed with human-like sentience, broke out of her prison, went on a killing + eating spree, then was adopted by Bojiro into the pantheon out of pity. ]


| relationships |

| the pantheon |
[ family ]
− her relationship with each of the Deities is unique
− but I don't feel like writing them all
− so to sum it up, she sees them as her saviors
− she doesn't show it much, but she loves them dearly.


| trivia |

− Erys can regenerate her flesh. due to this, she has a bit of a habit of literally eating parts of herself when she's bored. like, biting and eating chunks of her own arms and stuff. she says she tastes like salt & raw meat.

− even though Erys is not a Mystic Deity bc she's....not a Mystic, she can chill in the Ether with the pantheon since one or more of the Deities permits it.

− she is the shortest creature in the lineup. even Bayu, an actual child, is taller than her.

− she likes snakes & cats :D

− the only person Erys likes to touch/be touched by is Bojiro. Bojiro is very comfy apparently.

− her jacket is from Athanasios, her tank-top is from Bojiro, and the only reason she doesn't wear pants or shorts is because she doesn't like how they feel. the only outfit she has where she wears any sort of pants or shorts that go farther than mid-thigh is her battle outfit, where she wears armored leg guards and black bike shorts.

− she's aroace. she's one of those breeds of Shier Whia that lack reproductive organs bc they reproduce by infecting others. fortunately, Erys no longer has the ability to Infect other creatures and turn them into Shier Whia.

− she once stole Sorrel's coat and didn't give it back for a week straight. the only reason he got it back was bc Bojiro physically took the coat away from her.


| gallery |

[ rough picrew layout of her design lol, her face bandage & ponytail was scrapped in the final design ]

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[ rough picrew layout of her design lol, her face bandage & ponytail was scrapped in the final design ]

[ rough picrew layout of her design lol, her face bandage & ponytail was scrapped in the final design ]

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[ just a bloody doodle I did a while ago that ended up turning into a oneshot ]




yeaa auto-cannibalistic god eater let's gOOO-

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