This Is All Very Weird

Start from the beginning

Fully opening her eyes she saw Ruby looking at her with a content smile. She patted the girl on the head confusing her even more. "Good to meet you again Neo." She said making Neo's eyes widen in alarm. She rushed to her bed but Ruby's wing unfurled and grabbed her before she could. "Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you or rat you out." Ruby told her yet she continued to struggle. "I promise alright, if anything I wanna help you get out of this, I hate Cinder just as much as you." Ruby said as Neo stopped struggling.

She slowly put her down as Neo stood still. "I promise I'm with you here, not Cinder. Just you and Roman. But I'm not gonna be here for long and I don't know if I'll be here when you do your get away. So if you want a bit of advice, go to Ozpin, he can help." She said before patting the girl on the head once more. "You don't deserve this, I promise." Ruby said before leaving, missing the slight tears that were welling up in Neo's eyes.

Walking down the hallway, she past Cinder whilst staring directly at her and sending a dangerous toothy grin. "Rip off." she muttered, just loud enough for Cinder to hear. She stopped as Ruby kept walking, completely ignoring the time bomb that was Cinder.

Turning to her dorm, she quietly opened the door and peaked through. Everyone was still asleep making her deflate. Carefully walking in, she began to explore the very small room, trying to see what was similar to her own. Surprisingly, almost nothing, everything was in different places, the Ruby here only had the one weapon, Weiss seemed to hide her dust, Blake tried to hide her books but she did a poor job of it. And Yang, well she was Yang, there wasn't much to change.

"What are you doing?" Shooting up from the draw, she looked up to see Ruby rubbing her eyes whilst staring down at her. "Snooping." She answered truthfully. "Okay." Ruby dumbly responded whilst falling off the top bunk. "Ow." She moaned out before slowly getting up and heading for the bathroom.


The entirety of Team RWBY plus Ruby were sat in the canteen, all staring in shock as she devoured her fifth plate. Finally looking up, she did a double take when she noticed JNPR was with them. "When did you get here?" She asked whilst slightly tilting her head. "Second plate." Yang answered. Nodding her head she offered her hand. "Name's Violet. Nice to meet ya." She introduced, confusing team RWBY.

"Jaune Arc." He nervously told her making her nod and turn to Pyrrha. "Pyrrha Nikos." She answered, then to Ren. "Lie Ren." He stoically introduced. "Nora Valkyrie! You look strong! Do you like pancakes?!" Nora asked being the only one to shake her hand. Granted, hers was with a lot of enthusiasm, and if Ruby wasn't like she was, Nora might have broken her arm. "Nice to meet you Nora, I am strong, and I do like pancakes." Ruby answered with a toothy smile making Nora beam.

"Violet?" Weiss quietly asked confused as Ruby slowly stuffed her face with a cookie. "Nfkes uf leff comfufin." She said making Weiss stare at her with a mixture of confusion and disgust. Swallowing, she wiped her face before speaking again. "Sorry, makes it less confusing." She told her. "Should we...?" Weiss asked. "Up to you." Ruby said before stuffing her face again.

"Should you be doing that?" Blake asked, finally deciding to pitch in. "I do it all the time." Red said making them give her a deadpanned stare whilst Ruby gave her the finger guns. "See, perfectly fine." She said with a laugh whilst they all stared at her concerned. "What?" She asked before Yang pointed to her nose. Bringing her hand up, she felt a warm liquid dripping from her nose. Looking down, she saw a slight bit of blood on her finger.

Cursing under her breath before looking back up to the others. "Wouldn't happen to have a tissue?" She asked as Weiss sighed and gave her one. "Just have these on you?" Ruby asked with a small laugh. "I'll take it back." Weiss threatened. "Sorry, sorry." She quickly responded whilst pinching her nose and breathing out her mouth.

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