beach and blowout

Start from the beginning

Ariana - hi joe is something wrong?

Joe - depends on the way you look at it but paparazzi filmed and posted your time at the beach earlier and its all over the internet. Everyone is asking for a statement from you. Some is making you look bad for spending alone time with Justin. I just need to ask what you want me to say. They are also seeking for Sean's reaction to it, just so you're aware of it.

Oh crap! No, no, no! I didn't do anything wrong but I cant help but feel guilty for spending time with Justin like that on Sean's birthday. Its messy

Ariana - I... I .... Just say that Justin is saying at my house wile we have shows here in Florida and we where just having fun at the beach. Say I'm still in a happy relationship and that Me and Justin is nothing but friends. Is that okay?

Joe - yeah sounds good. Im sure Justin's publicist will call him any second too and ask for a statement. And not to get involved in your business but you should talk to Sean before it gets out of hand

Ariana - okay sounds good. Gotta go but i'll see you soon.

Joe - take care

Ariana - you too

Hanging up the phone I see Justin coming into the living room with the phone to his ear holding it there with his shoulder wile carrying drinks for us. He sets them down on the table as he continues his phone conversation

Justin - they're taking it out of context. Im just staying at her house wile we are in town. We where just hanging out and there is nothing but friendship between us. People need to stop digging for dirt.

Justin - yeah thats fine.

Justin - Okay bye

He hangs up the phone looking frustrated «ugh... I'm so so sorry Ariana»

«Its okay Justin its fine. No worries. Now come on we gotta finish watching this» I pat the spot besides me where he sits down under a blanket

- Sean's POV -

Zeno walks in to the living room where I'm sitting with my mom but he looks worried «ey man you gotta take a look at this» he hands me his computer which has a video ready to play on it.

The video is of Ariana and Justin playing on the beach and I grow angrier and angrier with every second. They're smiling and laughing and he picked her up and got to hold onto me. «What the fuck is this shit!»

«Language Sean» my mom hits me on my arm

«Im sorry but what the hell! What is she doing and what the hell is he doing there with her! Ugh he needs to just back the fuck off for gods sake! She is my girlfriend and I don't allow her near that manwhore»

Zeno sits down on the couch across from me and my mom «man chill. Its nothing bad in this clip they're just hanging out. Just call her and ask her yourself than trying to come up with some crapy reason as to why and how. Just ask her.»

That sounds like a good point so I dial her number. I have no idea if its a good idea to call her wile I'm bad but eh I don't care

Ariana - hehe haha halo?

She was laughing at the beginning at the call she is clearly having fun with something

Sean - hi

Ariana - oh I baby what's up? I was going to call you but I didn't know if you where awake or not

Sean - oh wow so thoughtful of you is that why you decided to trow a beach party with Justin then. Your new lover. How good is he in bed I bet he is good

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now