opening act and boyfriend drama

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- Ariana's POV -

We pull up at the venue in Kansas city. As we drove here Scooter called me and told me they where coming here earlier than what I had originally known about and we where having a meeting right away when I get inside. I don't know why its such a hurry to have this meaning but if thats what they want I guess thats what I need to do.

Walking into the arena I feel this rush of excitement and anticipation come over me but also this fear, fear of something going wrong. That fear is always there, needed even to give it all I've got, to deliver with all I've got so if something goes wrong I can say I did everything I could.

Scooter and Allison sits in a conference room waiting for me but when I walk in I see Justin Bieber with them? Giving them all a light hug before I sit down I'm beyond confused «scooter with all due respect but why is Justin here?»

Justin smirks at me «I'm your new opening act»

Laughter burt out of me and everyone give me a strange look «sorry, sorry I didn't mean to laugh but this is really funny to me. He is Justin Bieber, and Justin doesn't do opening acts.»

Again Justin smirks at me pairing it with a sly grin «indeed I'm Justin. Justin Bieber. And as of now I do opening act, well thats opening act for the oh so amazing Ariana Grande at least.» he says with his usual cooky self centered voice.

Scooter stare Justin down for a second before turning to me «look Ariana it will be good press for the both of you and he clearly needs your influence. He needs to get it together and straighten up, and spending time with you seems like a good way to do that.»

I look at them back and forth thinking it all trough «well I guess its okay. I mean for pr reasons I see how its a good move and I'm glad to help in any way I can with getting him back on the right path.»

«What will Sean think?» Justin says

Thinking for a second I respond «i don't know. But I'm hoping he will understand and be mature about it. Im sure its not a big deal to him, he trusts me.»


After a long day of rehearsing and processing the shock of Justin joining the tour I'm glad to get some time to myself in my hotel room. The only thing is that I need to call Sean and tell him about the Justin thing which I've been avoiding and dreading all day. He has tried to call be twice but I've not picked up as I've not had the energy to deal with it. But now I don't really have the choice.

It seems like waiting for him to pick up takes forever, the beeps seem so far apart. Well thats what happens when you're nervous right? Time passes slow. Finally after what seems like forever he picks up.

Sean - Ariana? Are you okay? You haven't picked up your phone all day, I was getting worried sick about you!

Ariana - hi baby, yeah I'm okay. Just been working. You know rehearsals and meeting the new opening act.

The last bit I said with hesitation and uncertainty which was not on purpose as I know he knows something is up.

Sean - Ariana who is the new opening act? You seem on edge, I can tell something is up. You're holding something back from me. Just tell me and we can deal with it together as the oh so amazing duo we are.

Ariana - scooter said that this is a good pr move and that its a good Idea to help this person get their act together, and that I'm a good influence on people so..

Before I could finish he cut me off

Sean - hey baby. Calm down and just tell me.

Ariana - its Justin. Justin is opening for me

That made Sean quiet for a moment, He seemed lost of words really

Sean - Justin Bieber? The guy who is in love with you but you're to blind to see? Tell me we're not talking about that Justin.

Ariana - Sean now you're overreacting. Its nothing like that. Justin and I are friends and nothing more. I love you and why cant you just trust that it won't become a problem to work with him? Haven't we been over this before with the whole Nathan thing?

Sean - that was different. Now you're on the road with Justin. Those lonely nights on the tour buss and the lack of sex you've had recently all sort of things could happen

Ariana - excuse me?! Did you really say that I would cheat on you? Are you crazy! I don't like Justin in that way at all. And my lack of sex has nothing to do with anything. I have my reasons for staying dry of that right now and don't you dare try twist that into something else!

Sean - oh and now I'm the bad guy! I don't want to deal with this crap right now Ariana. You're begin unreasonable I just cant be bothered with this crap right now.

Ariana - Sean really? Now you want to be that guy?

Sean - I'm done talking about this. And I don't see why I'm even trying to reason with you as you will do whatever you want anyway. Go screw yourself Ariana, or better go screw him I don't care, its not like sleeping around is something new for you.

With that he hung up on me and I'm in shock as tears flood down my face. Never, and I repeat never has he taken that tone with me! Why cant he just for once understand without all the back and forth! Why the hell cant he just trust me in this!

I break down into a fit of sobs as my heart is broken. It didn't seam like he broke up with me but I just don't see how he could talk to me like that. Its just.. I don't even know anymore. Why would I go sleep with Justin? And why is he begin so crazy?! I just... I'm really not sure if we can make it trough this tour after all. Maybe, just maybe love isn't enough after all?


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Twitter: Christinaasland

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-Xoxo Christina

Love me like you do - Ariana grande and Big Sean (Seaniana)Where stories live. Discover now