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Jennie is sated and sweaty next to me.

She’s enticing even after just fucking the energy from her.

Her phone chirps for the hundredth damn time, and she growls, snatching it up.

“It’s Asher. My mother needs things,” she informs me before closing her eyes.

I sigh when I think she’s going to ignore him like she has everything else these last three weeks.

But she’s jumping up and throwing her clothes on.

“Where the fuck are you going?” I growl, taking her down and shredding her clothes from her body as she tries to put them on.

“Lisa, I have to go. You know until she’s dead I’m going to be tethered to her.”

There it is again. The hint. She keeps throwing them out there. She really wants this.

I’m going to end your suffering, my little bird.


Waiting for Jennie’s bedroom light to switch off and the street to fall silent, I watch, biding my time.

I dropped her off at home three hours ago but couldn’t bear to drive away.

I read the text from Somi I received earlier and sigh, exhausted that she doesn’t take a fucking hint.

You haven’t been answering my calls, Lisa. I know you need time, and I’ll give you that, but at some point you’re going to have to see me. I’m your fiancée!

Ignoring her, I slip the phone away.

Her giving me space has been perfect because frankly, I forgot she even existed.

I’ve been too consumed with Jennie.

A frosty mist creeps in through the trees casting the street in an eerie fog.

Cold chills coat my skin as I step out of the car and take a slow walk up to her house, pulling the hooded sweatshirt up to disguise myself in case anyone were to look out their window.

Grass crunches under my boots, the frost taking form within its blades as I prowl across the yard.

Lifting the pot they keep by the back door, I use the key they hide beneath it to let myself in.

The TV flickers with a music channel playing softly. The shadow of Jennie’s stepbrother, asleep in a chair, allows me to see where to avoid.

Temptation to go and strangle the fucker in his sleep is strong, but one murder at a time.

My eyes fall on Jennie’s graduation cap and college booklets on the breakfast table.

She’s mentioned college only a handful of times since we’ve been together, and every time she does, I seduce her filthy little mouth and make her too delirious to even want to leave the room let alone me for college.

I move to the room at the back of house where they keep the disintegrating mother.
If I ever end up like this, Ebony better put me out of my misery.

Clicking the door open I cringe when it squeaks, stopping for a moment to check if there’s any movement in the house.

When I’m satisfied everyone is still asleep, I slip inside and close the door.

The heavy breathing guides me to the body in the bed. It fucking smells of death in here.

This is a mercy kill.

We can’t let our mothers ruin our lives, it’s selfish of them.

Slipping a couple of latex gloves from my pocket, I stretch them over my hand snapping them in place.

The woman looks nothing like her daughter.

Her hair is grey and ratty, pale, papery skin sags over her skull making her look twice her age.

Sitting beside her on the bed I debate using a pillow so I don’t have to look at her while ending her miserably existence, but the only one in here is the one propping her head up so I forgo the pillow and opt for my hand instead.

Her hot breath disperses over my gloved palm as I move it to her mouth, placing it over the woman’s crusted, dry lips.

Leaning further over her body I pinch her nostrils together with my other hand and wait.

It doesn’t take long for her body to begin moving beneath me, a jerk at first and then convulsing.

She’s weak, so her arms don’t even rise to push me away.

It’s unsatisfying killing something so pitiful, and not quick enough.

Dull, yellow eyes startle awake and stare at me making my face scrunch in discomfort.

Her eyes are lifeless, like she departed this body way before I ever got here.

Mumbled moans against my palm give way to pointless attempts at gasps.

When her body finally settles, her eyes gaze up into mine. Confusion… fear… and finally…acceptance written in them.

“Good night, Mrs. Kim,” I whisper as the life leaves her.

Peeling myself from the bed I look down at the open mouth, wide-eyed corpse.

Jennie wanted this. You’re welcome, little bird.

I STALK HER | JENLISATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon