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The hum of student chatter through the corridor weighs me down with paranoia, thanks to Taehyung Kim who spread vicious rumors about me around the school, making my last term here a nightmare.

I've out grown these people, I'm nineteen for Christ sake! Having to repeat a year has been a drag.

I didn't want to be talked about, stared at, ridiculed by my peers.

I wanted to be a shadow in the back of the classroom, doing what I needed to do to make up my grades and graduate.

This wasn't the plan I had dreamed of for myself, but life is an unpredictable bitch.

She tore a hole in the pretty picture of my future, and I was left to rebuild it with tattered pieces.

I was popular for the right reasons once, but then my mom remarried and then got sick.

Her illness was like a plague on my existence.

An infection not just riddling her body, but also poisoning my life in the process.

It was as if someone buried the sunlight and cast me into a forever darkened state.

When I get to my locker my eyes close and re-open, wishing the words blazoned across the small door in lipstick are just an illusion. "WHORE." I know they're courtesy of Taehyung's girlfriend, Jisoo Kim.

Four more weeks and then I'm out of here.

College will be different.

I'll fade away, leave this behind me and become someone new.

Grabbing my books from inside, I slam the door shut and storm from the school, debating over whether to just forgo graduation and give this place the middle finger.

I wish I had money to leave this place for good.

Move to Europe. Paris, the city of love. Be a woman of the world.

"Jennie, wait up," Taehyung, the asshole, Kim calls out across the parking lot.

Clenching my books, I hitch my backpack farther up my shoulder, picking up my pace.

The pounding of his footfalls sound behind me, and I know I can't out walk him, so I slow my pace and let him catch up.

The sooner he can say what he has to say, the sooner he can fuck off.

"Whoa, I thought you were going to take off running," he chuckles, coming to a steady walk beside me.

I hate how desperate I've become to get help with college fees.

Anything to get away from the depression of my wilting mother.

"What do you want, Taehyung?" I groan.

"Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, you know how guys can be. I just told Jimmy, but he has a big mouth."

"You have a girlfriend, why did you tell anyone?" I snap.

With a smirk and a shrug, he drops to my height and winks.

"What guy could keep that to himself? You're Jennie fucking Kim. Every guy in this school has wanted a piece of you since first grade."


The sad thing is he's lying to try and sweeten me up. The stupid idiot thinks that's flattering.

Maybe to girls who give a shit about that stuff, but not to me.

He used my vulnerability against me to get something he wanted.

He's a sick bastard, and I hate him. I hate them all.

"Fuck off, Taehyung," I spit.

"Whoa, calm down, Jennie. I kept the real secret for you. If people found that out then..."

"Then what? They'd ridicule me and call me a whore?" I argue.

"Look, people just think we hooked up, no big deal. Speaking of..." He taunts, and I wish I had more power.

More support. More options.

"My truck's over here," he says when he sees my resolve weaken.

I don't have options unless I'm willing to forgo college all together, and I've sacrificed too much to end up in a dead end job, making scraps.

I follow him to his truck that's tucked at the back of the parking lot under the shadow of trees.

Before I've even fully sat in the seat, he's unzipping his fly and pushing my head into his lap.

When he finishes in my mouth, I spit the fluids into an old soda cup he has amongst the crap scattered on the floor.

He tastes bitter, and I hate that I've let him be inside any part of me.

"Here," he smiles, smug, tucking his now flaccid, small dick back in his slacks.

Taking the envelope, I tear it open, and my hands freeze when I pull out a check.

"What the hell is this?" I breathe, my stomach tightening and embarrassment washing over my skin.

"Look, I know you wanted my dad to chose you for their scholarship program, but he had already picked someone else. He offered you a donation instead."

Five hundred dollars? What is that going to pay for?

He just paid me for services rendered.

Sickness swirls inside me.

"You knew this before you made me suck your dick," I almost vomit.

"Now, now, don't be like that."

"Fuck you, Taehyung," I push open the door and flee into the chilly evening air.

When I get far enough from his truck, I pull out his cell phone I pocketed while he was distracted.

Jisoo Kim will regret ever fucking with me.

I bring up his chat with her.

Just like I knew there would be, I find the nudes she sent him, and then I hit the jackpot: a video message of her dancing naked in front of the camera.

I click upload to Facebook status, then drop the phone down the nearest drain.

Fuck you both.

I STALK HER | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now