New Gifts

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"What?!?" She whisper-yelled at her brother-in-law.

Hugo didn't answer before he walked into the throne room.

"Sage!" He said before Darkdream turned to face him.

A bashful smirk crossed her face as she walked over to him.

"Hugo, what brings you here?" She asked him.

"I...I wanted to talk to you....why are you doing this?" He asked, looking her in the eye.

She took a deep breath before her eyes returned to their former state. Belle smiled at the sight of her sister coming back to them.

"I- I-" was all she said before she saw Belle.

"You!" She growled before she made moon rocks encase Hugo's body and she moved him to a different part of the room where he would be safe.

"This isn't between us, my's between me and her" she growled before she started chanting the moon rock indication.

Darkdream- crescent high above, evolving as you go. Raise what lies beneath, and let the darkness grow.

Moon rocks rose from the ground and raced towards Belle as her hair glowed brightly.

"Belle! Look out!!!" Hugo yelled as Belle dodged the rocks but one caught her by the arm.

She yelled out in pain, making Tobias and Varian to hear her.

"Sunlight!!!" Varian yelled.

"Sis!!!" Tobias yelled before a golden and bronze light formed in his hands.

Meanwhile, Belle laid on the floor with her badly injured arm as she saw her sister walking towards her.

"Sage, I know you're in there. This is not the Sage I know. Your kind, sweet, brilliant, brave, and would never hurt anyone...please come back" Belle pleaded, looking at Darkdream for any sign of her sister.

Darkdream just smirked before a moon rock sword appeared and she grabbed it. Belle's breathing hitched as she realized what she was planning. So she closed her eyes and chanted the indication she found in one of Varian's old journals.

Belle- power of the sun, gift me with your light. Shine into the dark, restore our fading sight. Rise into the dawn, star blazing so bright. Burn away the strife, let my hope hope ignite.

A huge explosion burst through the kingdom as Belle's hair went from black and purple, to golden with purple tips. Varian and Tobias sat up from the floor, freed from their prison as Darkdream stood up and laughed at her sister.

"Silly princess, you forgot that we're both connected to the sundrop. So that little trick of yours doesn't work on me" she said before she started walking towards her again.

"NO!!!" Tobias yelled before a streak of his hair turned gold and bronze.

Tobias- the starry sky, help me now. The time to shine has come around. Burn bright with your glowing light. Light up the night....light up the night.

A bright golden shield and a bronze armor formed and his eyes turned completely silver. Darkdream took notice.

"Ah, little Tobias wants to fight" she said mockingly.

"Give me back my sister!!!" Tobias yelled before charging at her.

Darkdream laughed before making a huge horde of moon rocks to protect her. But as Tobias charged at her, they all broke into little fragments.

"What?!?" She yelled before he hit her in the stomach with his shield.

A single hit.

A single hit was what stopped her. She flew back and crashed into the wall before falling onto the floor, hard. Her hair became black with light purple tips again and all of the moon rocks disappeared. The castle returned to its original state as the night sky turned back to it's mysterious black and blue. Tobias quietly panted and fell onto his knees when his armor and shield disappeared. Belle shakingly sat up and Varian ran over to her.

"Sunlight! Are you okay?" He asked her, cupping her cheek in his hand.

"I'm fine, Shining Armor" she told him, leaning into his touch before looking at Sage who wasn't moving.

She gasped before slowly making her way over to her. Sage didn't move, almost like she was frozen and she was hardly breathing.

"Sage! Sage! Please wake up. Please don't go" Belle said before Benji, Her mother and father, and Donella ran in.

"What happened here?" Cyrus asked before seeing Sage.

"We have to get her a doctor, someone who can help. Hurry!!!" Belle said before Donella and Cyrus ran out.

Hugo grabbed Sage and carried her to their room as fast as he could and everyone started to wait.

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