Sweater Weather

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This is nowhere near as romantic as The Neighbourhood's song is. Hey ho.

Prompt: Exchanging presents. I can't really say much more without it giving away everything.
Greg huffed as he buzzed on the intercom of the apartment. Once again, the day had been long and tiring and all he wanted to do was see Mycroft.

'Hello, who is this?' Mycroft's voice rang clear through the speaker and Greg's mouth turned up at the corners in response to the sound. He replied almost instantly.

"It's a serial murderer-slash-sniper that wants to gain access to Mycroft Holmes, basically the British government itself, to brutally murder him and take over the world." Greg grinned as he awaited his response. He heard a faint chuckle as Mycroft replied,
"Well, I'd better let you in then, hadn't I? I wouldn't want to disrupt your plan."

Greg laughed out loud, gaining some very strange looks in the street before the door buzzed urgently as access was admitted.
"So, what did you do on this beautiful day?" The DI asked tiredly as he flopped down into the armchair opposite the sofa that had a politician draped unceremoniously across its length. Mycroft smiled cunningly.
"I made something for you." He said.

Greg furrowed his eyebrows before smiling appreciatively.
"Thanks Myc," He replied lazily, "What is it?"
"Well," Mycroft replied, suppressing a grin, and held up a jumper. Well, it was meant to be a jumper. The thought was there.

Where the arms should be were large, loosely and messily stitched clumps of wool and the jumper's length didn't look like it would cover his midriff. By all means, Greg would've pretended he adored it. It was Mycroft, after all. But seeing the look on Mycroft's face, he knew his partner knew this was a failed attempt.

"Mycroft, dear... what the hell is that?" Greg inspected it incredulously, looking up at Mycroft, who was silently shaking with laughter. Suddenly, his expression changed completely into what could only be described as a poker face.
"Wear it."
"Where it, Greg."
"But it's the middle of June-"
"Wear the massive lump of wool, Gregory. Cover your person." Mycroft's voice cracked on the last word, and he suddenly exploded into fits of laughter. Greg suddenly could no longer control himself and began to howl with laughter with him. Their euphoria soon ran out though when Mycroft said,

"Seriously though. Happy birthday."
Greg frowned and began to laugh once again, leaving Mycroft baffled.
"What, what's wrong?" Mycroft asked, concerned.
"Oh Myc. It's not my birthday."
"What? Your birthday is June the 13th, which it is today."
"No, love. It's July. My birthday is 13th July."
"........ Oh. Just testing you."
"Of course you were."


So I have a GCSE exam on Wednesday and I need to get my shit together, so I won't be writing any more until then. Half term is a week away, so I might be able to do something in my spare time.

Hope you're all ok, please comment it you liked it!

~Lauren xxx

Mystrade one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora