Drunk In Love

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Prompt: Greg is drunk. He calls Mycroft.
Mycroft was awoken at 1:27am precisely by a phone call. He checked the user ID and rolled his eyes before answering.
"Myc-roft, mikey mikey Mycroft." He slurred giddily. Mycroft muttered 'oh Jesus'.
"Yes, darling Greg?"
"I ummm... I had a drink-"
"I can tell, love. And?"
"And... there's a game in my head... and I can't move the pieces..."
Mycroft refrained from giggling. "There's nothing I can do about that, I'm afraid. Just go home and sleep, and we'll see how you are in the morning, yeah? I'm sending a car, I'll see you in the morning."
Greg hiccuped into the phone, "You're the best... love oo Myc..."
"Love you too. Go home." Mycroft hung up before calling Anthea. She replied with a disgruntled "yes, sir?"

He smiled to himself, replying "Send a car to Greg's usual to take him home. Get the driver to put him to bed and leave a glass of water and a nurofen by his bed."
Anthea giggled tiredly. "Rough night?"

Mycroft chuckled. "Sounds like it. Thanks."

Consider this an apology for the last one.

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