The Sorting Hat

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Prompt: Mycroft and Greg start Hogwarts together, and are devastated when they realise they aren't in the same house.

Greg: 11
Mycroft: 12 (just)
"I'm sorry, is it ok if I sit here?"

A young boy, clearly first-year, stood awkwardly at the door of the compartment, cautiously looking in. His uniform was horrific; hair all over the place, tie hanging loose around his neck and half of his shirt hanging out of the too-large waistband of his trousers. The older boy, alone in the compartment, was the exact opposite. Hair and uniform immaculate, a brand new leather suitcase clutched in his delicate hand and his shoes polished to within an inch of their life. The older boy cleared his throat and placed down his suitcase before nodding curtly and looking down at his hands. The younger boy in the doorway grinned madly.
"Great, thank you!" He slid the compartment door closed quickly and sat on the sofa opposite with a sigh. He looked excitedly out of the window.
"It looks like we'll be on our way soon." He grinned. He thrust his hand out suddenly.
"How rude of me," he said, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Greg, Greg Lestrade. What's your name?"

The older boy glanced upward, confused at this boy's enthusiasm and interest. He slowly reached out and grasped his hand, mumbling, "Mycroft. Mycroft Holmes."

Greg gasped. "So you're Mycroft? I've heard a lot about you. Mainly from my cousin, actually."

Mycroft's shoulders dropped sadly. "What have they said?"
"Oh, nothing bad." Greg replied quickly, "She's in awe of you. She doesn't fancy you, she just likes how you approach things."
"So... who's your cousin?"
"Molly Hooper. You went to school together. Muggle school, obviously."

Ah, yes, Mycroft thought. Molly was the only one that actually seemed to understand him, appreciated his intelligence. She was the only one that never bullied him, but they never had a full conversation.
"Can I be your friend?" Greg asked suddenly, staring hopefully into Mycroft's eyes.
Mycroft was taken aback by Greg's enthusiasm. No-one had ever been this interested in him before. He had no idea why Greg was doing this, but he decided to go with it.
"Because you're interesting, and I want to be your friend."
"Yes, of course." Mycroft smiled slightly, and the boy opposite grinned from ear to ear.
"Great! So... ummm..." Greg struggled to find anything remotely engaging to say. "When's your birthday?"

Mycroft sighed sadly. "Today." He said.
Greg gasped. "Lucky! Mine's not until next year. Well, happy birthday!" he exclaimed with a smile before fumbling with his wand.
"I think I've got a thing here..." the younger boy muttered, concentration etched on his face. He mumbled a quick enchantment before flicking his wand and sending streamers and balloons flying everywhere. Mycroft jumped at the sudden explosion before quickly composing himself and grinning widely at the boy, flushed with pride, opposite him.

He'd definitely found a friend.
Hey everyone!
I'm so sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've had so much going on!

I went to Sherlocked last weekend, which was AMAZING!! I met so many cast members it was unreal (including Andrew Scott! I cried.)

I've also had tonnes of exams and stuff going on, so I may not update for a while.

However, there will be a part 2 of this if you so wish, so please vote and comment if you would like that :)

~Lauren xxx

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