Unexpected Victim

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This one-shot is mainly focused on Mycroft.

Prompt: Greg has been called to a murder scene, and there's a distinct reason why he can't call Sherlock.
"Boss, we've got a case. A murder."
"Ok, have you let Sherlock know?"
"Sir... I don't think we should let him know. I'm not sure you should go either."
"Don't be stupid, where is it?"
"Ummm... Vauxhall Cross."
"Oh, ok." He paused, concerned. "It's no-one really important to the government, is it?"
"Sir... he is the British government."

The room span as Donovan's body blurred into the blotches that clouded his vision. Greg's face paled and he ran to the nearest toilet, retching loud enough for the whole office to hear. He emerged 33 seconds later, his eyes red and puffy and his face glistened with tears.
"Take me there, Donovan."
"Donovan. Please."

Molly skimmed over the names on her list, clipped to the clipboard she clutched in her hand. One in particular, she thought, was a coincidence. How many people could be called Mycroft Holmes, for god's sake?

As it turns out, when it comes to coincidence, the universe is rarely so lazy.

Later that day, as tears brimmed in her eyes, she stated as she looked down at the slab in front of her,
"Male, 37. Cause of death: bullet to the brain. Name: Mycroft Hol-" she trailed off as her voice cracked and D.I. Lestrade and Sherlock Holmes, standing beside her, took in a sharp breath. Her eyes closed as a solitary tear began its journey down her cheek, only to be brushed away by Sherlock, who pulled her into a tight hug as his body was wracked with sobs.

Meanwhile, Greg Lestrade slid down the wall outside the door of the mortuary, his head buried deep in his hands and his knees tight to his chest.

Meanwhile, in the Houses of Parliament, in the rest of the country and the rest of the world, life continued as it had before. Births, deaths, anniversaries, weddings, graduations. Lives were beginning as a certain two people's were ending.

Life goes on.

I'm sorry, I guess.
Also, I'm sorry this wasn't longer and it wasn't sooner.

~Lauren xxx

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