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Prompt: Mycroft and Sherlock are playing a game. Greg is on Mycroft's side.
"D3." Sherlock stated cockily, reclining in his chair like the cat who got the cream.
Mycroft smirked, "Miss."

Greg grinned from across the room and sauntered over to the table they were playing at. He casually sneaked a look at Sherlock's board before smiling to himself.
"Hey Sherlock," he said, "Do you have another loaf of bread? Because I can't see one." Mycroft caught on quickly and smiled to himself.
"C1, little brother."
Sherlock scowled, "Stop cheating." He sulked as he reached for a red peg. "F5."
Greg continued, "Would you like me to pop down the shops to get another loaf before this one runs out?"
"B4." Mycroft grinned as Sherlock huffed.
"So, the time is 5 minutes passed 6-" Greg smiled, glancing over at Mycroft when Sherlock's eyes were elsewhere.
Come on Mycroft, think. 5th letter of the alphabet.
"This game is boring anyway." Sherlock sulked as he stormed away from the board, leaving Mycroft victorious. Mycroft called after him, "It wasn't boring when you were winning, was it?"
"Shut up."

Hey everyone!
I hope you're all feeling great and aren't sad because that would make me sad too :(

I really hope you're liking these stories so far, if you are maybe just click that little star? Or maybe even the speech bubble?
Thank you for reading and I love you all loads.

~Lauren xxxx

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