Something you'd get him

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Darry: A football from a certain year / edition, which took like an eternity to find:)

Sodapop: A multi coloured flannel, which he saw in a shop once. Luckily, it was still there when you went to buy it:)

Ponyboy: Binoculars, so he can, when he's out in nature, observe everything better, especially birds:)

Johnny: A stuffed bear. Basically one out of the Build-a-bear-shops:)

Two-Bit: A clown mask. It was more for you to scare him, but he did use it often later on:)

Steve: Some poetry and short story books:)

Dally: A headband:)


I always hear so many things about Build-a-bear-shops in the US, and I think it's a really cool concept! Dear people who read this from the US: What is it like?:)

(I'm from Switzerland, and we don't have those:3)


Question: What would you get him, next to these things?

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