Doing your hair

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- He loves to try out new hairstyles on your hair

- Whether your hair has a more oily or dry texture, is more frizzed up or knotted up, he takes it as a challenge to give it the best care ever

- The most he loves are little braids, no matter if long or short hair


- We all know he cares for his hair, and so he does for yours

- He's just as good as Darry

- Loves to do hairstyles with buns

- Would love to try to dye his or your hair sometime


- If you ask him, if he could put your hair into a ponytail or braid, he'll do so

- He knows basic hairstyles, since you taught it to him once

- Isn't really patient with doing anything that seems remotely too time consuming, but at least he tries


- He doesn't really do anything with your hair

- Just loves to give it a massage:)


- Loves how fluffy your hair sometimes seems

- Doesn't care about the hair colour:)

- When you're hanging out together, he'll be brushing it like 24/7


- Tries the weirdest hairstyles he can think of

- But they still somehow come out good

- If you'd try to just touch his hair, man's would try to kill you-


- Just like Johnny, loves to massage it

- Will randomly go through your hair when you're cuddling with him

- He even lets you do the same with his hair


Question: What's your favourite hairstyle?

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