Him proposing to you

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(All of them are over the age of 18)

Darry: You and Darry were laying in bed one night, it was like one in the morning, talking to each other, cuddled up. At some point, there was just silence, when Darry started to talk. ,,Y/N, if I asked you right now, if you wanted to marry me, would you say yes or no?'' You looked up at him, his icy-blue eyes giving you a warm feeling. ,,I would say yes, why...Why are you asking? Darry, is everything alright!?'' You were kinda scared, until Darry moved his arm back, to grab something from his nightstand. He held up a beautiful small silver ring. ,,I know, that this is not the most attractive proposal, but I thought, it's the right time, so: Y/N, I love you, I always did, and I couldn't imagine a future with anybody else but you. Will you accept this ring and marry me?'' Darry smiled softly at you, and you were grinning ear to ear. ,,Yes, Darrel, I will marry you!'' He slipped the ring on your ring finger, gave you a kiss, and the both of you fell asleep happily:)

Sodapop: You were on your way to the DX to buy some snacks at lunch time. Steve was in front of it, repairing something at the gas pumps. ,,Hey Steve! Is Soda inside?'' ,,Hey Y/N! Yeah, he is.'' ,,Thank you.'' You walked inside to see Soda restocking the soda shelve. ,,Hey Soda! Could you give me three Cokes?'' ,,Sure, gimme a sec.'' You walked up to the register, taking out 75 cents for the Cokes. Soda walked up with them, and as you were done paying, and about to walk out, he held you back. ,,Y/N, I gotta ask you something. Something important.'' You faced him, taking his hands. ,,What's up, Sodapop?'' Soda took a deep breath. ,,I know, this may come over as weird, but...I just couldn't wait no more, so I gotta ask you now...Y/N, since the first day we got together, I've always felt so happy and validated by you, and every moment I've spent with you, I knew, it was meant for eternity. Now...Y/N, would you grant me the honour, and be my wife? Y/N, will you marry me?'' You could just gasp, when he pulled out a ring and got down on one knee. ,,I'll accept the honour of being your wife!'' He smiled such a big smile, and slipped the ring on your ring finger. He picked you up and kissed you, for at least five minutes, before Steve walked in, asking, what the fuzz is all about. And I'm glad to say: He was happy for the both of you:)

Ponyboy: You were laying on Pony's bed, he walked away to the kitchen a few minutes ago, and you skimmed a bit through his Gone with the Wind copy, when you came across a note stuck between two pages. There was a date written on it, the date of today, and the sentence ,,Ask Y/N to get married''. You thought it was a joke, but that's when Pony walked back in. ,,Pony, what's this note supposed to mean?'' You looked up at him, holding the note in the air. ,,This'', he responded, kneeling down on one knee, holding up a ring. ,,Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?'' You chuckled at it and smiled. ,,Yes, I do! This is a pretty smart proposal, babe! 100/10!'' Pony laughed, slipping the ring on your finger, kissing you. You pulled him up and onto the bed, kissing and cuddling for the rest of the afternoon:)

Johnny: You invited Johnny to the local Dairy Queen. The whole way there and even waiting for your turn to order, you couldn't stop talking about whatever came to your mind. When you were walking back, each of you with an ice cream in your hand, Johnny asked you a rather unconventional question. ,,Y/N, do you ever think of getting married? Like, me and you?'' You looked at him, cocking an eyebrow. ,,Yeah, every now and then...Why are...Wait, don't tell me...Do you wanna ask me to-'' Both of you stopped walking, looking at each other. ,,Yes, I wanna ask you to. You're the most perfect person I've ever met, such loving and understanding. I know right now is a bit of a weird moment, but...I just couldn't wait anymore! Y/N, will you marry me?'' The first thing you've noticed, was the confidence in his voice. Confident, but lovingly. ,,I unfortunately don't have a ring on me right now, but I'm saving up for one, so you can choose whichever you want.'' You embraced him in a strong hug, saying the answer into his chest. ,,I love you, Jonathan, and I will marry you, I love you!'' ,,I love you, too, Y/N.'':)

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