Asking you to hang out

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(This is in front of the gang)


,,Hey Y/N!'' Darry greeted me, as he walked into the house. I've been hanging out at the Curtis' house nearly everyday, since me and Ponyboy share some classes. I'm the same age as Two-Bit, though, so yeah. I've looked up from my cards and waved at him, saying ,,hi'' back. Me and Pony have been playing cards for the past few hours, he insisted on 10 rounds, to make up the last time he lost and tried to beat me, but currently, it's 8-1, with one game left. Looks like, he's losing, haha. ,,Who's winning?", a voice from what seemed outside the window asked. Me, Pony and Darry turned to the window, just to see Two-Bit climb in. ,,Two-Bit, there's something called a d-", but Darry was cut off by him. ,,A door, I know. But if the window's open, why not try?" He left to walk into the kitchen for some beer and chocolate cake. ,,He's something!", Darry said, and laughed in response to Two's brilliant plan to climb in through the window. ,,So, how was work, Darry?" ,,Pretty alright. More paperwork than anything else, but you gotta do, what you gotta do." He shrugged, and kept my gaze, then smiled sweetly. ,,What's your favourite place to eat out at?'' I kissed my teeth, and then my jaw dropped. Am I getting asked out? Or am I getting asked out? I blushed a bit, and forgot to think, until I felt Pony's stare on me. I looked at him, shook my head and turned to give Darry an answer. ,,Isn't there a Dairy Queen a bit down the road when you drive out of town? I love it every now and then.'' ,,Sure! When are you free?'' ,,Whenever works for you!'' So, we made up a time and day, and a few minutes later he walked away to his room, and I returned to the last round of cards. ,,I think, it's your turn, Pony...Pony, are you there?'' Ponyboy was just staring at me, seeming flabbergasted. ,,Did Darry just ask you out? Like, I'm not dreaming, am I? It's been an eternity, since Darry's liked someone.'' I chuckled. Sometimes I did ask myself, if Darry liked someone, but I didn't know, it could be me, even though I fell in love with him the first time I've seen him. And that was two years ago. Ponyboy won the last round of cards, and by then, all the others were at the Curtis' house, including Steve, Sodapop, Dallas and Johnny, and oh golly, they had their fun mocking Darry for going out with me. Neither me nor him cared, and laughed along:)


,,Y/N, do you know where the extra wrenches are?'' ,,Nah mate, haven't seen them in a week!'' Steve walked into the DX from outside, scratching his head. ,,Anyways, shouldn't Soda be here any minute?'' ,,I''m here!'' Soda came into the DX running and out of breath, with a box of wrenches in his hands. Steve and I had a laugh at it. Soda clocked in and I clocked out. Before I went, I took a look at the wrenches, and realised, that it were the ones that were ,,lost'' for a week. ,,Soda, I bet you didn't buy these wrenches new from the shop. Why steal 'em?'' He chuckled. ,,I just wanted to mess with Steve, but yeah. Hey, I've got a question.'' ,,Waddup?'' ,,I've been thinking about this for a bit, but...Wanna hang out sometime?'' ,,Hang out? I'm sorry, but aren't we already? 'Cause like, I'm at your house every day, and-'' ,,No, I meant a one-on-one. Just the two of us. I'd love to, if you're up for it.'' It didn't took me by surprise, since I've been trying for several months now to ask Soda to hang out together, but there was always so much going on, so I haven't had, neither did Soda, a quiet moment to ask. ,,Yeah, you know what, why not? That'd be cool!'' I smiled at him and he gave me a hug, which was followed by a gasp from Steve, who stepped back in to get the wrenches. ,,I knew it!'' ,,Knew what?'' ,,That you're in love with Soda!'' ,,Yeah, nah mate, he just asked me to hang out with him. Just the two of us.'' Yeah, that left Steve in a funny mood, but a good story to tell the gang later:)


I was out walking around town with Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas, when we passed the bookstore. I remembered that the store clerk ordered a book for me, so I told the three, I'd be right back. Walking in, the store clerk greeted me, gave me the book I've ordered, I paid, and then I've overheard the boys talking. It wasn't too loud, but it seemed, as if Johnny and Dally tried to convince Pony to something. I just shrugged it off, took my book and walked back out. ,,Hey, Y/N, do you feel like coming with to the Nightly Double?'', Dallas asked in the weirdest way possible. ,,Yeah, sure, I got time!'' So we went. It was late afternoon, nearly evening, the perfect atmosphere to watch films. After we snuck in, Johnny and Dally went to get Popcorn and some pepsis, whilst me and Pony searched for good seats. ,,How've you been Y/N?'', Pony asked out of the blue. Didn't we just spend the whole day together...? I decided to play along, trying to figure out, what he wanted. ,,I've been good, thanks for asking. How 'bout you?'' ,,Yeah, same same...I gotta ask you something, though.'' ,,Waddup?'' He was blushing so hard, he looked like a strawberry. It was cute, though. ,,Do you wanna go and watch the sunset tomorrow? Like, just me and you?'' ,,Sure, why not? I've wanted to ask you earlier, but I forgot about it, haha.'' ,,TOLD YOU IT WOULD WORK!'' Everybody around looked behind them to see Dally and Johnny walking up to us. ,,It was you!'', I've tried to say to Dally in the most villainous voice ever. ,,Setting him up, huh?'' ,,Somebody's gotta help that boy at some point. I hope, I'm invited to the wedding!'' All of us had a laugh, and we enjoyed the rest of the evening together:)

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