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- Is a pro at it

- Barely falls down, and if, it's for a stunt

- Is like a ballerina on ice

- Trying keep up with him when just normally roller skating ends up with you having cramps in your legs, 'cause, oh boy, he's fast

- Takes patience in learning you new tricks


- He's not the best at it

- But enjoys it very much

- Even with much extra gear on, he still somehow finds a way to hurt himself

- Injured, but never really serious

- Sucks at breaking

- Loves to hold your hand while you guide him when roller skating outside or at the rink


- Tries to copy Darry, but fails

- Asks himself, if all the books he read about roller skating and their tutorials are wrong

- Ends up waiting for you to finish your rounds, you're mostly roller skating at the rink, cooling various bruises

- Did I mention, that he falls down twice as much as Soda? No? Alright, here you go

- He still likes it, and loves it, when you're with him:)


- Boyo is still learning

- Aka wanted to since an eternity, but either forgot or never had the time to

- So you decided to get him to the rink and learn roller skating to him

- And applause for Johnny: He's a very fast learner!:)

- Got the basics in just 15 minutes

- Ended up with a bruised left arm, but was smiling, 'cause he now finally can roller skate^^


- What's something you should never do, when ,,driving" / ,,riding" something? Exactly, don't drink / not attend to where you're going

- And Two-Bit is known to know the best places to hide booze, even if you're right next to him

- So you two were just doing rounds in the rink, when he suddenly pulled out a beer can, cracked it open and took a sip

- You were outraged, and tried to grab it from him, but he held it out of reach

- I hope he's heard of Karma, 'cause Karma's a bitch, and that's what happened to him: At full speed, he drove right into a wall, beer can flying wherever, and you stopping besides him

- You couldn't help yourself but laugh, and helped him back up

- Reprimanding him about the danger of a beer can, he just gave you a kiss and a hug, and you continued your rounds:)


- I imagine him doing backflips, like, all the time

- He can't just make a few rounds next to you, no, he's just doing backflips, front flips, side flips and any kind of flip he can think of

- Try to roller skate next to him, I dare you, 'cause you'll end up backing away, trying not to get hit by his leg or so

- There are some short periods where he's just roller skating next to you, hand in hand, and you enjoy it every time:)


- He's a whore for speed (I'M SORRY💀🤚)

- Like...He's like Lightning McQueen or Flash in a skating rink

- Will occasionally take your hand and pull you with him, without losing his speed

- You did end up vomiting a few times, because it was inhumanely fast

- But since he can be nice, he was alright with every now and then to just take it slow / casual


Question: Have you ever been at a skating rink? If so, how was it?

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