Chapter 18

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The sky is clear and blue, the sun have started to shine and the snow is melting slowly, buds and grasses is slowly growing, birds were chirping.

"Spring have finally come!" a young man with dazzling blonde hair that reminds you of the sun and dark blue eyes that resembles of those sapphire.

Ransur Luc Reinhardt the third prince of the empire.

"Your highness, please return to your chamber, his majesty will be furious!" his knight begged but Ransur just smiled at him and he cried.

The two of them were wearing a brown cloak while walking in the crowded street, wondering in happiness Ransur stopped as he spotted four guys ganging up someone.

"Your highness... I'm begging you!" the knight begged while crying and cling to his feet.

Ransur grab the knight and he run to where he sight four men ganging someone while pulling the knight that is crying and begging him to come back to the palace.

"He-he-he! Hand us all your money!" a big bearded man ordered to someone who's wearing a cloak that is pinned on the wall.

"If you love your life, you should just do what we said." the other man said, he is holding a dagger and pointed it to the person's side.

"Hahaha! How stupid for you to wa-"


All of their attention went to Ransur as he shouted, the knight with him is still crying and is kneeling on the ground while hugging Ransur's feet.

"Haa...?!" the big bearded man turn around and faces Ransur with anger.

Ransur was astonished and he's surprised as armed mens suddenly walk towards and surrounded them.

"Ser...iously?" the knight whispered in disbelief.

The knight stand up and look around and see mens grinning from ear to ear, some were like psycho licking the blade of their swords and all were looking at them happily and smiling as if mocking them.

The knight looked at Ransur whose head is down, the knight take out his sword and stand in front of his prince.

"Your highness please stay be-"


"...?" everyone was shocked after hearing Ransur burst into laughter.

Ransur laugh to the top of his lungs and as the wind blows the portion of the cloak that's covering his head to his eyes flew by the wind making his dazzling hair and shining sapphire like eyes visible to everyone looking at him.

"You're... A member of the Imperial family!?" they shouted in disbelief.

The knight was shocked of them knowing who Ransur is he turned around and immediately covered Ransur with his cloak and turned towards the bearded man and smiled.

The person that was being gang up immediately looked at Ransur as the bearded man stated him of being a member of a Imperial family, his green eyes meet up with Ransur's dark blue eyes. After seeing the eyes and face of the boy Ransur immediately recognized him.

'Dominic Chester... What is he doing in here?'

"Whahaha what a lucky day today it is for us!" the bearded man laugh, "The only son of the grand duke of Chester!" he stated then glance at the young man their ganging up.

'I knew it!' Ransur thought.

"And now a member of the Imperial family...!" the bearded man said then look at Ransur who smiled back at him.

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