Chapter 5

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In every story there is always a villains, a character in a story who opposes the leads.

Ehrlich Lucian Reinhardt,

The second prince of the empire of Reinhardt, for some reason he love seeing blood, killing innocent people.

Annihilate every one in Mariott Duchy. Margaret Mariott is his fiancé, she was brutally murdered by himself, Ehrlich Lucian.

The man who wants the male lead to separate with the female lead.

On the night on his seventeenth birthday, he went on rampage killed twenty people along his fiancé, almost killed his mother who he loved the most, that was trying to calm him down.

The man who kidnapped and almost sold the female lead, even put her in auction. The Cold-blooded Imperial prince that killed criminals brutally.

Ehrlich lucian Reinhardt the main antagonist is really,

'Cute. His adorable.'

"Your highness, say hello to Ashtherielle."

The empress polite asked him, who was standing behind him.


The prince shouted with his cute voice.

"Grand Duke, may I hold her?"

The empress asked while covering her mouth with her right hand.

'She looks cold but pretty.'

Father glance at me and he sigh with a smile.

'Wait-! '

He give me to the empress and she accepted me and smiled.

She sit down on the couch, I sit on her lap and the prince sit down on her right side, I glance at my father who sat on the couch across the table.

"She looks exactly like you, Larkis!"

The empress said while patting my head.

"Yeah! It's too bad she didn't get anything from her mother.."

My father polite answers.

I glance on my right and saw the prince staring at me.


He called me out with his expressionless face and emotionless tone.


I got startled as he rub my cheek and pinch it.


He said at my cheeks.

'He looks so innocent and cute. And really adorable.'

'No one would though that you would be a cold-blooded murderer in the future.'

"Ehr, you can pronounce her right..!"

The empress said, she smiled at her son and pat his head.

"Larkis! I heard about what happened at the duchy of Askart last night.."

The empress said while looking at me.

"It seems like rumors really fly..."

My father said while smirking, he looks so calm.

"You seem to accept the fact that Askart's security is not really the finest."

My father smiled by the empress's word.

"What happened last night was indeed none of my thoughts, but Askart won't just sit down and do nothing, your majesty!"

"What about Astoria?"

Ashtherielle : The Male Lead's Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now