Chapter 8

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The day after my birthday banquet Count Gallen was found dead. His body was sent to their estate without his head.

Just like in the novel where Count Gallen also died, he was killed by my father, Duke Larkis Askart. On the night on Ashtherielle's birthday banquet, he talk to the Duke about the counts niece, the Duke's illegitimate daughter his half sister's daughter but the Duke didn't believe what he said and killed him in anger. Rose Cluv, Count Gallen's sister cried and beg to the Duke to take his daughter because they were being abused by his brother and sister in law. A old maid came along with a boy who is also said to be a illegitimate child of Duke Larkis Askart. The Duke go furious killed the old maid.

The only thing that I'm not sure about is that, only the Count was the one who died, the two illegitimate child of the Duke didn't come. Why is it? Even though five months have passed since then.

The sky is perfect blue, sun shining bright and beautiful, the wind is very refreshing. The wind made the trees dance, the smell of the flowers were very nice. It made me forget about everything, my thoughts its so relaxing.

To day is the perfect day to have a picnic. The day is perfect but.....

"Ashthy, eat this it's delicious!"

Her long light red hair fluttered by the wind and her bright yellow eyes were glistening. Aunt was sitting near me, we are in her estate picnicking along with three boys.

"Ashtherielle, look I found a dog!"

A boy who have brown hair, his lime colored eyes was filled with enthusiasm. He was holding a small white with red eyes furry little bunny.

"Luis that animal is not a dog but a cat."

His shoulder long straight blonde hair, fifteen year old Calrin Luc Reinhardt the first Imperial prince. With his smiling face eyes closed, he said to my cousin.

Luis smiled back, he seemed to be believing what the prince had said. Luis put the bunny in front of me and he stroke my head, opened his mouth and says.

"Ashthy, please take care of that cat.... (hic)"

Water flows from his eyes down to the stripe light pink and white picnic blanket. The first prince who was sitting beside Luis stroke his head while smiling.

To think that this crying little boy who killed a dozen people, burn the whole estate of Count Helen all by his own.

"My son, this thing is not a cat but a small cub." Aunt said while tapping the rabbits head, the bunny jumped to me while shivering.

"Ohh! Just what are you doing, little cub?" Aunt asked, she was holding the bunny ear, her bright yellow eyes were staring at the bunny fiercely.

"Come to think of it Marchioness Suleira, I haven't eaten a bunny soup before. I think it would taste really good..." the first prince said as he took the little bunny from aunt and stroke its head.

Aunt clapped in happiness while his son was crying besides him.

"Mother please stop brother Calrin!" Luis begged while crying at his mother who kept smiling without a reason.

"Son, don't worry we're not doing that with you watching...!"

Aunt stroke his son's head and kiss his forehead. Luis stopped crying and kissed his mother's cheek. He smiled as he sees the first prince smiling.

The first time I saw Luis I didn't really thought that he would be this dumb. The first time I saw him, he was staring everyone with confidence, as if he was proud of him being my older cousin. But ever since he was defeated by a year younger than him, his confidence fade along with his self-believe.

I look at my right side, his dazzling blonde hair dance with the wind, his rich blue eyes were glistening as his staring at the clear blue sky.

This past few days Ehrlich is becoming more and more serious and stupid. He would stare at the sky out of nowhere and remained silent, won't talk to anyone other than me. He would even walk straight to the point where he bump into a tree, his stupid father told me while laughing.

'Your to young to be crazy.'

I took a bread and rather than handing to him, I feed him a slice of it. He looked at me with his mouth chewing the bread his eyes were half opened and he looked so sleepy but he doesn't.

"Ohh! It seems like someone do cares for my little brother." Calrin stop and stand up and sit besides me, he stroke my head and smile.

"Perhaps, we should marry them off." he added and smiled.

I glance at Ehrlich and sigh. Ehrlich was staring at the sky in deep thought. I wonder why, but my I fell sleepy...


"If brother hear this, he might really blow up the Imperial palace!"

Her light red hair was dancing in the wind, talking to the boy whose sitting besides her. She smiled but her bright yellow eyes were somehow showing sadness deep down. The boy who she was talking to, smiled at her. The boy looked up and eyes opened staring at the tree in front of him.

His deep purplish-blue colored eyes, stares at the tree that was dancing with the wind. He smile in sadness, he opened his mouth.

"There is only a month left, isn't it a bit cruel?" he asked.

The woman sigh and glance at the boy, she looked at her mansion that was a bit far from where they set the picnic. She smile in sadness and slowly lay her head down to the picnic blanket.

She smiled as she stares at the sky, her eyes were glistening and she sigh.

"I want to cry...!" she uttered with a sigh.

The prince glance at her and smiled. He stand up and sit besides his younger brother. Seeing the little bunny sleeping besides Ashtherielle, whose in deep slumber. He grin as he saw Ashtherielle sleeping in Ehrlich's lap.

"Why awr you laughing, brather?" Ehrlich seriously asked but Carlin just laugh at him.

Ehrlich gently shove off a strand of Ashtherielle's hair from her face, staring at her face Ehrlich pinched her soft and flappy cheeks.

"Hey... How can you flirt in front of me?" Calrin said and his younger brother looked at him while frowning.

Calrin smiles at his brother and stroke his head, Calrin pinched Ehrlich's flappy and pinkish cheeks. Ehrlich shook his head that made his brother stop, and hug him instead.

Lime colored eyes became teary, his white face became pinkish and vigorously rub both of his eyes. Luis started crying because of jealous and felt alone for somehow.

"Whaa!! Mother!" he uttered while crying.

Luis shake his mother trying to wake her up. Awake Larissa intentionally pretend to be asleep to teased his son. Luis cried and cried but his mother didn't wake up, Luis elbowed his mother's stomach.

"Ahh! That hurts!" Larissa cried out of pain.

She sits up and was stunned when her son embrace her while crying so loud. Larissa felt guilty, strokes his son's head and smiled.

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