Chapter 5

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I'm not sure about this book.


"mom you're home..... I missed you". You hugged her tightly. "dear I missed you too... Naw take me home.....i wanna see your house".

You took her luggage on a cart and pushed it. "I parked here".

"Y/N, I didn't know you so rich look at your really work hard didn't you".

You laughed. "yeah I did I still do.... Anyways mom go inside". Packed the suitcase in and open the passanger seat. It reminded of Malice. But you went to and drove off. "where you father".

You clicked your tongue. "I don't know..... I'm sure he has some bitches he's sleeping with or feeding him...hes broke ass now".

Your mom laughed. "yeah fluff ball, he's done for.... He's always evil.... Sometimes when you were still a kid he always got angry for small things and he always abused your brother badly..... He almost like he's cursed".

What mom said made you think but you skipped it. "Anyways Brother said to last week he got a new business.... He open a construction business and he said he's developing a city in South Africa like a city on the Karoo desert".

Mom sounds exciting. "wow. That's great I wanna go there one day...... You guys make alot of money but help communities alot".

You praised. "that's how we were raised mom".

Driving home when it was night. You parked your car. "is this your house. It has huge ground.... It's has a small pond and water fall..... A garden... 6 garages and....".

You were annoyed now. "YES MOM it's a huge house..... Wait I'll see inside....".

"you have two balconies..... Geez Y/N reduce your money". She joked.

Walking inside unlocking the door. Your mom walked in and you fetched her luggage. Sure alot of bags. You didn't what to fetch it 2 by 2....ypu took everything at once."thanks dear you're still stronge". You smiled after that.

"okay mom music is okay I got you presents and I give you your dinner".

"okay dear". She saw the presents."oh my baby ypu brought my favorite snacks..... Earrings and flowers.... I love you sooo much".

You brought food you made and your mom kissed your cheeks." your the best child.... The food is delicious too".

Spending time with your mom. Laughing making jokes speaking about the old days. Making fun of your asshole dad. It was very nice. It felt like home.

"mom will you stay by me forever". Your mom looked like she wanted to cry."of corse my dear I will.... It's been 5 years since I've haven't seen you".

After everything. You showed your mom her room... It was just down the passageway by your room. You didn't want to put her by the second floor cause anything can happen there wothput you knowing.

" okay mom your bedroom everything is yours the bathroom.... Bed, TV, table, everything".

"suck big windows..... What if people see me naked".

"oh God.... The curtains is tight there.... Didn't you see it.

Your mom laughed." sorry it's just your house is so modern I didn't notice it.... This house look like a alien ship".

Really your mom can exaggerate alot.

Helping her pack her clothes and everything. She said she's ganna take a bath. So I let left her alone for her time. I need to shower too. What a long day.

I wonder where's Malice he didn't visit.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

It's been 2 months your break is over. But since you're the boss you didn't have wokr yet so you had another 2 months break of work lucky Mr. Adams is he's acting In my job... He loves it.... He's keeping the business good not ganna lie.

You were happy with your mom. Sometimes you see your dad in the city looking horrible by the days. He's really cursed.

It's was another night. Mom was at home. All alone you needed to but extra bread, tomatoes and milk. Mom's ganna make a nice dinner.

"i wonder where's Malice it's been 10 weeks I've haven't seen him".

Put the bag in your car. You heard a familiar voice. "hey there Chubbs".

You turned around. "ahh.... Oh Sai you scared me.....".

Sai looked suspicious. "Chubbs I was meaning to tell you something in a long time... An. And I think.... You".

You neve seen Sai so flustered. "Chubbs I, think I've fallen for you".

You were confused. "what.... How, you always bullied me, you literally bullied me last week".

Sai sighed. "I know since high school I bullied you cause it's wa sthe only way to be close to you.... And I was scared what my friends wouldve said to me If I liked you bakc then".

You had pick chubby cheeks now. Sai is cute and handsome but there was never love. "Sai I've never felt love between us you always bullied me, you hated me, you hurt me you, you literally hurt my since high school and now.... You cut me, hit me, fight me.... Is that how you show love...... Thats how evil demons do..".

What you said made you bad because Malice is a demon too. Not that you trust him." Sai look at yourself, you're horrible I see how you go on dates with other girls you can't have butter both sides on your bread..... Sai even though you bullied I see you as a friend".

Sai frowned and got angry. "Y/N I love you..... They just girls for my money.... I... I want you, we know each other please". Sai held your shoulders and he hurt you.

"Sai let go this is obsession not love". Sai slapped your face and there's a bruise. Sai baked away and ran. "Sai..... Sai!".

Sai ran away and he looked very angry. Sai always had anger management. Sai is a bad person it's just you tolerated him. Sai is a playboy he's a sick man he's a guy who likes alot of women.... He party...he likes drinking. Either way you wouldn't fall in love with such a guy.

Seeing Sai like this made you kinda sad and in pain. Yes Sai bullied you but that's the only friend you had...... That was close. No one wanted to be friends with you. Only Sai but he was a bully.

" Sai never met a perfect girl.... He needs to change.... But I don't know how to change him".

Your phone was ringing. "hi mom sorry Sai kept me behind.... I'll be soon home".

"Sai? When last did I hear from him.... I thought you and him were dating...".

Frowned. "no mom Sai was still my bully". You spoke further but then your phone was grabbed and it was throne on the ground.
"hey who did that". You turned around seeing Sai holding a gun up to your fore head.

"Sai let go....we can talk this through".

" I don't wanna talk". Immediately he used the gun and knocked your head. You fell into his arms. Sai took you away in his car.

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Damn Y/N you are fucked up.


Hope you enjoyed it.
If there is mistakes.... Sorry.

Love you bye

King Devil looking for his Queen. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon