car chase

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heyyy sorry it's been awhile i'm going to be less consistent about updating cuz busy and school 😔 also i haven't finished crystallized yet but i'm super excited to 😃
anyways enjoy!!

harumi's pov

i catch up to the ninja as they enter lloyd's car. i glance at lloyd before hoping in as well. he doesn't say no.

the car speeds off after garmadon.

"wait-what is she doing here?" jay asks, gesturing towards me.

"i honestly have no clue." i reply. the truth tea must not have worn off yet. whoops.

"it doesn't matter," lloyd says. "we just need to get my father."

the trucks not too far away, and we catch up to it quickly, being as the vehicle garmadon had stole was a mail truck.

"keep driving," nya tells lloyd. "i've got him."

nya opens up the car door and climbs on top, using airjitzu to move to the top of the mail truck.

"im coming too!" jay yells and follows nya.

looking at lloyd, its very obvious that he wants to follow them, but he can't just leave the car or me here.

"i can drive if you want," i say.

"what?" lloyd says, looking confused.

"i can drive!" i say.

"what about your arm?"

"i'll be fine!"

lloyd looks heisatant but then says, "ok." but before i can take the wheel, a female robot's voice comes from the car and says, "low on gas, need to refuel. car will shut down in, 2 minutes."

"oh, come on!" lloyd yells in frustration.

they didn't refuel before they came?!

i look at lloyd for instructions on what to do. he looks just as stumped as i feel.

the car robot lady starts counting down. "100 seconds. 99. 98. 97-"

lloyd sighs in defeat. "we need to get jay and nya back in here." he says. "we couldn't fight garmadon back at kryptarium, we can't now."

he presses a button on the car and says, "guys, we need to retreat! the cars almost out of fuel and-"

the car shakes a little as we start slowing down.

"51. 50. 49..." the robot lady continues counting.
lloyd hits another button and the counting stops.

"guys, hurry!" he says to nya and jay.

"we're coming!" jay replies.

the two of them airjitzu back right as the car slows to a stop. nya and jay slid back in and sit down. and we all watch as garmadons truck gets away.

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