Untitled Part 66

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I let out a deep breath, my chest feeling like it was constricting.

"I know, Mum..." I breathed.

"You probably hate us for it," Mum mumbled. "But we forbade you from seeing Arturo from a reason. We forbade you from having a social life for a reason." She trailed off her sentence, shaking her head. "They were all distractions from you achieving your full potential. Do you think for a second, that if you didn't work as hard as you did, that if you didn't close yourself off from other people... That you would be living the life you are today? You're a very wealthy woman, the best of the best Stock Brokers. You have a very wealthy, influential husband too." She let out a deep breath. "And if you'd spent your teenage years and your early twenties partying, going out and having fun every night, there would be no discipline in your life."

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