Cuphead meets mlp

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It showed the four looked tired and bruised and chipped. Cacao was gluing a chip of Cuphead's head back on. Cuphead said "Well that was a harrowing brawl back there. That dragon wore us out after he grew that third head." Mugman said "It's a miracle that we're still intact after all the battles we face." Cacao said "I nearly lost it with that giant bird! How one shoots their newborn eggs out of its mouth is beyond me, and I-I think I'm better off not knowing." "Hey, hey." Rootis says popping his shoulder back into place "Look on the bright side, at least we're still alive." Cuphead got up and said "Yeah, but with all these crazy baddies we have to deal with it's enough to drive me stir crazy!" He began having flashbacks of the baddies he faced including some familiar faces too. "Look, that's all in the past now, all we can do now is move forward." Mugman said "And then again not all of them were bad some of them were actually pretty nice, too nice actually." He began thinking of Cala Maria. "You mean the mermaid girl?" Mugman was in his thinking state until Cuphead smacked his head making it spin. Mugman stopped his head "Snap out of it! Our souls are still on the line here. We need to get the rest of those contracts." Mugman said "Oh yeah right right right. The list the list, I got that list. Here's the list right here." He pulled it out and cleared his throat "It looks like our next victim will be Rainbow Dash?" They had heard snoring then they saw her sleeping leaning on a tree. "Uh, why are y'all fighting a pony?" Rootis asks. Cuphead said "The devil said she cheated him on a deal I guess." Cacao asked "Could that be her?" "Well, I'll go ask her." Rootis says cheerfully as he starts walking towards them. Cuphead said "Hmmm, doesn't look like it I mean her mane doesn't match the des-" he then shouted "Of course that's her you..." he calmed down "Sorry under a lot of pressure right now." Mugman said "Wait, I mean I don't know, she seems very non-rubber hose like." Rootis looked at the list "Ya know you could've told me that." He continued "And she is on the list, so we gotta take her down." Mugman said "Okay then, let me handle this one guys." He began to walk until Cacao stop him "Hey, whoa whoa whoa, what do you think you're doing?" "He was doing' what I was gonna do. Be nice." Mugman said "Uh like you said I was gonna take her down and move on to the others on the list." Cacao said "You can't just go up and attack a woman while she's sleeping in public." "Why not? You did that yesterday." She whispered to them as they looked shocked. "Wow! That's interesting." Rootis says "Still doesn't explain why you did it." Cacao said "I'll go wake her up." Cacao walked up to rainbow dash and cleared her throat "Excuse me miss." Her hot chocolate landed on Rainbow's lap which made her scream and jump really high which surprised her then she walked back laughing nervously "Whoops probably shouldn't overfilled my head." They looked up at Rainbow screaming as she fell. Then Rainbow shouted "Pinkie Pie! Now's not a good time for any pranks!" Then she saw the four as Mugman waved at her. "Well howdy, Stranger!" Rootis yells in his usual friendly tone. Rainbow said "I knew drinking too many ciders wasn't a good idea." "Usually is," Rootis says "But, hey at least you learned from it." Cuphead said "Easy there kid. This isn't a hallucination. We're real life living beings." Cacao said "Pfft, real life he says." Rainbow said "Wait so your telling me that your literally creatures with cups for heads? You four are honestly the stupidest looking things I've seen in my life." "Well," rootis crouches down "I hate to say this miss but if we're speaking opinions, I ain't never seen a blue pony with wings before with a rainbow near its butt and pink pony who looks like she's hiding a very crazy side of her, so I'd say to me you both are the stupidest things I've seen. No offense, of course." Rainbow said "None taken, and it's all in the marketability baby." Then the merch comes up. Cuphead said "Regardless we're here because you cheated on a deal from..." he cleared his throat and pointed down "So we're basically here to take your soul." Mugman said "Yeah, either you give us your soul or you'll be mixed in a bowl." That made the three cups confused. Rainbow said "My soul? A deal? What are you guys talking about-oh no! Oh no!" Then she remembered her deal. "To be honest I'm quite confused as well." Rootis says. Then a flashback started. The devil said "So let me get this straight. You want me to not only redesign your towns image but also change your personality?" The old rainbow dash said "Why yes darling, for you see I'm getting really tired of this whole fashion gig. It's clearly dragging me down lately. I was hope you could make my new personality be more, how do those kids say? More radical and swag like." The devil said "Hmm, if I'm going to do that then I'll have to transfer that personality to trait to someone else." Rainbow said "Oh give it to that rarity fellow darling. She certainly is in need of a character." The devil said "Well it's settled but you'll have to exchange something in return will that be a deal?" Rainbow said "Yes yes I'm good with that darling. I'm ready for a new life." The devil said "Here you go my little pony." He snapped and two ghosts that resembled the ghosts from the specter level made rainbow dash the Pegasus we know now. Rainbow said "Aw yeah. I'm totally rocking over my new swag. Like the additions of the wings. And my voice so raspy, I love it!" The devil said "Glad you like the new makeover, now since we've made a deal, hand over your soul to me!" He laughed evilly. Rainbow said "Um yeah I can't hand you something because you know no hands. See you around sucker I mean sucker I mean jerk." She flew away. The devil was mad. He said "Bendy, can you come here for a moment?" Bendy jumped onto his chair and waved 'Hello' the devil grabbed him and screamed while setting him on fire. He then said to bendy as he was now charcoaled colored "Take the rest of the day off, you deserve it." The devil threw him to the ground as it showed the present. Rainbow looked nervous as she looked at the four who were mad. Rootis puts his hand through his hair sighing. "Never thought I'd hear of someone so selfish." Rainbow laughed nervously then said "I can explain, you see that was eight years ago. My personality back then was more or less different than how I am today. Have you heard of character growth? I'm sure you guys have been there." Mugman shouted "We're from the golden age of animation! We don't need no character growth." Cuphead said "And now we're going to send you to the man below." The announcer started the fight. Cuphead shouted while firing the peashooter "Take this horsy." They saw that it was making no damage. Rainbow said "Okay then, well it's not nice meeting you weirdos so I'm just gonna-" she got cut off by a marshmallow hitting her, getting a knock out! From the announcer. Then she fell back. "H-how?" The four looked surprised as well as Cacao held the stance she was in when she threw her marshmallow. "Nice one Cacao!" Rootis says with a thumbs up "I see you've been practicing." Cacao said "Well that was surprisingly easy." Mugman was shocked then asked "What? What did you say?" Cuphead said "She said that was, that's was...easy." "I didn't even have to do anything." Rootis says. Music played as they got a bit emotional. Cuphead said "I-I'm seriously at a loss for words here." "Yeah, me too." Mugman said. Cacao said tearing up "I never thought this moment would come.""Honestly, me either." Rootis says, scratching the back of his head. Cacao cried "I'm so happy right now!"Cuphead cried "Come here guys!" They all cried as they hugged. Rootis lifting them all up. Rainbow said "I honestly have no idea what's going on, but does this mean I'm free to go?" Rootis puts them down. "Oh most definitely not, Slugga."He snapped his fingers as a hole opened up and a giant hand took rainbow down to the underground where a fire blew up and the hole closed. The four were looking at the hole. Cacao said "That must've been very traumatizing to see from a child's perspective." In the underground the devil was squeezing bendy like a stress toy then he saw an imp had brought in rainbow dash in a muzzle and her wings tied up. The devil said "ah rainbow dash so glad you dropped by. Bendy show our little pony friend to her personal chambers with the others." He tossed him in front of rainbow. He dusted himself off and gave a thumbs up. The devil said "I'll be sure to deal with you later dashie." His eyes showed cupcakes as Rainbow gulped and bendy took her away. Then the devil made a phone appear and called king dice "Hey mr king dice how's everything on your end?" King dice said "alls quiet down here sir. No sign of our dog suit kids at the moment, not much luck finding more saps to boondoggle either." He sighed "Business is going slow for us here." He saw frisk from undertale walk in. King dice said "I'll have to call you back sir, I think I found a patsy." He hung up andsaid  "Well well what do we have here? A little puppet trying to pass through my gate." He saw that frisk was ready to fight. He laughed. "Oh that's just rich. You think you can take me down single-handedly?" Frisk shook they're head No and pointed and to king dices shock there was a whole lot of characters. King dice said "Well then let's do this." The credits rolled with the song Devils gonna getcha (cover) by Kathy-Chan. Then it showed the four as they looked at the next person on the list. Cacao said "You know, I feel really bad for that little pony guys." They looked at her. "Compared to all the other competitors, we faced she didn't seem that bad." Rootis sighs "Yeah, I feel ya kiddo." Cuphead said "Ah, don't worry too much about it. We'll release her and the others once we beat the devil in his game." Then he winked. "Cup, you really gotta stop breaking the fourth wall." Rootis says. Cacao then realized the plan "Oh I get it now. That surely makes me feel better thank you man I mean head. Who's next on the list?" Cuphead said "Well let's see here, pink elephant posse?" They saw the elephants from the movie dumbo when dumbo drinks wine that was in his water. Mugman was shocked while the other three were un phased. Mugman said "Welp it looks like we have to fight fire with fire with this one." He opens a bottle of alcohol and pours it in his head making him drunk "All righty, let's go kill these elephants." He fell back and made some random noises making the three shocked and annoyed. Then it ended.

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