The cursed thirst.

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It opens with Cuphead saying while using the peashooter "Heyaaaaaaah!!!!" Mugman shouted also using the peashooter "Heyeeeehhh!" Cacao said "Woo!" Rootis said "Hey, shouting while shooting is exciting! Hiyaaaaa!" Then it showed the cupbros making random sounds as Cagney covered his face from the attacks. Cacao just slapped a leaf on him then it knocked him out. The four sat down sweating. Cuphead said "Whew!" Mugman said "Gee guys, fighting all day sure is tiring." Rootis cracks his neck. "You said it." Cuphead said "Works up quite a thirst! Doesn't it guys?" They looked bored. "I wish we had something to drink." Then he said "Oh I have an idea!" Cocoa shouted "No!" "What's happening?" Rootis says. Cuphead said "Come on, Cacao!" Cacao shouted "No!" Cuphead said "Cacaooooo!" She said "No." Cuphead said "Cacaooooo...." they stood silent for a moment. Cacao said "You can't drink me.." "Hold up....What?!" Rootis yells, standing up wided eyed. Cuphead asked "Well, why not?" Cacao said pointing to her head "I don't know what you think is in here, but I'm pretty sure we have liquid brains. It could also be our bladder, stomach or blood, but no one really knows. Not to mention all the ideas fan fic writers have." She shivered. Cuphead said "Well, if I can drink you then I'll have to drink myself!" "What?!" Rootis's yells again. Mugman said "Please don't do that." Then Cuphead did just that. He slurped his head, but then Cuphead stopped when he, Mugman, Cacao, and Rootis saw elder kettle. Elder kettle walked away and said "Welp. Forget it." Cuphead smacked his lips and said pointing to the straw "This is pretty good." Mugman said pressing his eyes with his fingers "Jesus..." Then Cuphead continued slurping his head while making sounds of delight of the taste, when he finished he said "See guys? I drank my whole head and it was delicious! It wasn't any vital like..." he saw his dead body and it showed his grave saying 'Died full of himself. Elder kettle, mugman, Cacao, and Rootis were mourning. Until Cuphead shouted shocking them "Revive me already!" "Holy moly!" Rootis yells. Mugman said making Elder kettle, Cacao, and Rootis go out of shock "Admit your stupid!" Cuphead shouted "Over my dead body!" Cuphead went back into the grave for a few seconds then he said "Fine, I'm stupid." Rootis laughed then he said "Okay. That outta taught ya something." Then Mugman revived him. Cuphead then slapped Mugman making Elder kettle,Cacao, and Rootis shocked again. "Knockout!" After the credits rolled it showed the three drinking they're heads tasting it. Cacao said "Yeah, never mind. This is actually pretty good." Then it showed three graves that said "What?" Then it ended.

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