Chapter 17: Pinocchio Part 3

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Chapter 17: Pinocchio Part 3

Thomas teleported back to the new house with all the gear from their campsite. Chilli was finishing up some cleaning just as her son teleported back.

"Hey sweetheart, got everything okay?" Chilli asked while getting some cobwebs down with a duster.

"Yeah, got it all here." Thomas paused as he began to set down the bags on the wood floor, "Hey mom, where's dad?" He asked, now putting down the rest of the camping stuff.

"In the attic fixing that leak that Wilbur found." Chilli said, now getting down from the small ladder she had been using to reach the corners of the room.

"Oh, and the girls?" Thomas asked as he used his telekinesis to put everything away.

"I've been keeping an eye out for them. They're at that water fountain outside." Chilli said as she pointed at them outside the front window.

"Oh good," Thomas nodded while putting the last of their stuff away. "Hey, I found this flyer while grabbing our stuff and I thought that, since we're going to be here awhile, that maybe we could take the girls here." Thomas said as he handed his mother the flyer.

"Mr. Blackwood presents 'The Carnival of the Century'?" Chilli said looking at the flyer. She glanced at the text, reading aloud, "'Games, prizes, contests, performers, fun for the whole family...' Well, it certainly sounds interesting. I guess we could, I'll talk to your father about it." Chilli said with a small smile.

"Thanks mom, I think it'll be fun for all of us to have a nice normal family day for once, even if things are a bit weird right now..." Thomas gestured to his mother's human appearance, "In any case, I'm going to go and see if dad needs help with the leak." Thomas said just before he looked out the window and made sure the girls were okay by the large fountain. Thomas smiled softly seeing his sisters playing near the water before he went up to the attic part of their temporary home.

"Dad? Are you okay?" Thomas asked while going up in the small attic.

"Yeah mate, I'm okay. Wilbur's been a tremendous help." Bandit said, finishing up getting the leak fixed so that no water would come in. Wilbur shined his flashlight feature that Thomas had installed prior to them arriving in that universe. "And... That should do it!" Bandit said with a smile.

"The patch has a 98.9 percent chance of stopping any rain water from coming inside this structure." Wilbur calculated.

"Perfect!" Bandit said, now getting down from the attic ceiling. "Thanks for the help mate." Bandit said looking at Wilbur who also hovered down from the attic roof to head-height.

"You are most welcome mate." Wilbur said, trying to copy Bandit's accent.

"I do love that little drone." Bandit said, smiling as Wilbur hovered back downstairs. He appraised the attic room a moment before turning to Thomas. There were two beds with a dresser between them, a wardrobe on the opposite wall, and a small dressing table with a mirror. "Alright so, there's the bedroom up here and then there's the living downstairs with the kitchen next to it. I was thinking you and the girls could sleep up here in the two beds-they'll share, they're small enough-while your mum and I sleep downstairs, y'know to be safe if anyone comes into the house." Bandit explained as he and Thomas started to make their way downstairs.

"Good idea dad. I'll sleep in the bed by the door leading downstairs just in case Bingo sleep walks again." Thomas suggested, remembering how'd he once woken up with Bingo in his room in the early morning trying to eat his socks while muttering about waffles.

"Good idea mate, now we have a plan for sleeping arrangements." Bandit said as they walked into the living room area. Chilli had finished cleaning with Wilbur's help to reach the places Chilli couldn't.

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