Chapter 4: As Dusk Falls

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Chapter 4: As Dusk Falls

Chilli had heard on the news about what happened at the zoo and had been terrified. All the televisions in the airport were playing footage from the attack. People were frantically trying to reach loved ones to make sure they were okay, and all the planes were grounded until further notice. The crowds were restless and more than a few people were comparing it to recent attacks in other countries.

"Chilli, if you need to make any calls we've got Madge to cover for you." Her boss Carla said, approaching from behind the security counter.
"Thank you." Chilli quickly stepped aside and had Madge take her place, then left her station and went to the break-room, dialing Bandit and praying that things were okay. "Come on, come on..." After a minute it went to voicemail. Fuck! Come on Chilli, keep it together. What about Calypso? She quickly dialed the teacher's phone, but it too went to voicemail. Okay... what about Bingo? She successfully got through to the kindergarten and Bingo was confirmed unharmed, as the center was well away from the area of the attack. It was some comfort, but not enough.

After hanging up with Mrs. Retriever, Chilli returned to her boss, "Carla, my daughter was on a field trip at that zoo, I can't get a hold of her teacher or my husband. I know this is sudden, but I need to go."

"Of course." Carla nodded, "You've covered plenty for others, go, make sure your family's okay, we'll get someone to take care of your duties."

Chilli said her thanks and rushed to the car, not bothering to change out of her uniform. After a short drive she'd picked up Bingo and the two headed straight for the Heeler house, hoping to find Bandit and determine why he wasn't answering and hopefully find Bluey. Chilli parked her car out front and unbuckled Bingo. The mother and daughter rushed into the house and went to find Bandit and Bluey.
"Bluey?!" Chilli said, throwing down her purse at the front door.

"Mum!" Bluey yelled in reply while getting off the couch. She ran over and hugged her mother.

"Oh thank god!" Chilli said, hugging her daughter tightly and planting more than a few kisses on her forehead. After a moment she released her and checked her over, making sure there weren't any injuries.

"Bluey!" Bingo ran up to her sister with tears in her eyes. "Mum said that something bad happened and I was scared that you weren't okay." She hugged her tightly, "But you're okay, so it's okay."

"Thomas saved me. If he wouldn't have been there..." Bluey trailed off as she felt the corner of her eyes water. She swallowed back the fear and looked again at her sister and mother. Chilli teared up and pulled her in for another tight hug. Bingo joined in the hug, the three holding onto each other tightly, making sure they were all still together despite the frightening uncertainty that had surrounded them.

As they continued their embrace Bandit and Thomas came out of the guest room upstairs and descended the stairs to the living room where the rest of the Heelers were. Bandit moved over to his wife and daughters wordlessly and joined in the hug, picking up his daughters and holding them in his arms as he hugged his wife. From across the room Thomas smiled. It was truly something seeing the family together, and since they were his family too, now he would do absolutely anything to protect them.

"Thomas?" Chilli asked, looking at the human.

"Chilli, I..." Thomas started to say until the red Heeler broke from the hug and moved over to him. Before he could react she hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving my baby." Chilli said while tears dropped off her muzzle and onto his skin.

"I will never let anything happen to her or you, or anyone else in your family, that's my promise." Thomas said while hugging her back.

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