Chapter 9: Chasing Lightning

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Chapter 9: Chasing Lightning

Thomas glanced at the window that overlooked the street outside. It was getting dark, which meant his shift was almost over. He'd never worked retail before, as he'd inherited the project from his parents as soon as he would've been old enough to have a 'normal' job, but he didn't mind it. It was nice, simple, relatively mindless work. It was pleasant to have time to just think, it was like when he cooked. But one of the best perks were his coworkers. Alfie had quickly become his closest friend outside of the Heeler family, and most of the other people who worked in the store were also around his age. While he certainly appreciated spending time with his parents and sisters it was nice to have time now and again to talk with people (or rather dogs) his age. Because while he didn't mind talking about Cat Squad on occasion with his sisters, he thought it'd drive him bonkers to have to watch another episode.

Thomas and Alfie were working in the toy department of the store setting up new toys on their shelves. They'd gotten in a few dozen boxes of new products in time for the holidays-because apparently there must've been a dog Jesus given how they celebrate Christmas here-which meant that it was their job to make sure the shelves were ready for when pre-Christmas sales started. "So... Jason, how are things going with you?" Alfie asked while looking over at his friend. The two had been chatting on and off for most of their shift, but had had to clam up when their manager walked past. Now that he was back to his office they were free to talk once more.

Thomas glanced over at the dingo and smiled with a small shrug. "It's going good for the most part." He said while putting up some boxes of what he recognized to be Moonlight Unicorns. He knew that while Bingo and Bluey only had a few of the toys, Muffin was absolutely obsessed with them. "You know, just kinda a lot of the same, if I'm being honest."

"Well, I guess that sounds good. How are your sisters doing?" Alfie asked while also putting away some boxes.

"They're doing pretty good; Bingo had to transfer schools since her old one burned down somehow, but otherwise they're fine." Thomas explained as he opened a new box of toys, these ones plush toys of a stuffed chimp that Thomas vaguely knew was from a movie.

"I heard about that! My mum said they still haven't figured out what caused it. I bet it has to do with one of those aliens." Alfie stated, rotating a box that had been returned to the shelf incorrectly before starting to put new stock behind it. He frowned a moment, looking for more of the same figurine before noting the box of extra stock was on the overflow shelf above the display. "But in any case at least she wasn't there when it happened." Alfie said while trying to reach the top shelf for the new toys. He stepped up onto the bottom of the display, when suddenly it gave way. Alfie slipped and was about to fall until Thomas caught him in mid-air, a few plush chimps landing on the two of them.

"Whoa! Thanks mate!" Alfie said as Thomas placed him down.

"Can't be too careful right?" Thomas asked with a chuckle

"Well, we have three more boxes after this; I'll go get them if you don't mind cleaning up my mess." Alfie said as he made his way to the back to get more.

"As usual..." Thomas joked, a grin cracking on his face.

"Hey! I'm not that clumsy!" Alfie said as he knocked into a mannequin, nearly causing it to crash onto a pile of neatly folded clothes. Alfie grabbed it at the last minute and nervously smiled. Thomas shook his head as his friend blushed slightly and turned around the right way to go into the back room and get the last of their stock.

Thomas looked around and made sure no one was looking at him. The aisle was clear, and with it being close to closing there weren't many people out in the store. I really shouldn't, but... Thomas checked and made sure the camera was facing away from him. Just this once won't hurt, right? Thomas smirked as he used his telekinesis to quickly put most of the toys away. He'd even managed to get the stuffed monkeys back in the proper spots and was about to hoist up a final piece when he heard Alfie walking down the center aisle of the store. Thomas quickly slotted the remaining few toys into their places and let a final box drop into his hands as Alfie entered the row.

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