Chapter 8: Family Time

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Chapter 8: Family Time

The girls were already put down, which left Thomas, Chilli, and Bandit to sit in the study and talk. It had been decided that the study would be the best place because it was the one room in the house with any degree of privacy outside of the bathrooms-And we aren't all crowding into the dunny to talk. Bandit and Thomas had just finished explaining what they'd discovered earlier that day, leaving a stunned Chilli to sit a moment and process all that had been shared.

"So... What do you think?" Thomas asked.

Chilli leapt forward and pulled Thomas into a tight hug, placing her muzzle on the top of his head as she held him tightly. She pulled back a moment and looked at the human, tears glistening in her eyes. "I knew you were special, Thomas." She kissed his forehead.

He smiled, "Thanks mom."

She wiped her eyes and looked back over him a moment. "Okay, now I suppose we have to talk about your superheroics."

"Yeah..." Thomas sighed. "Dad and I already agreed that I could keep doing it, but before I do, I want you to both be okay with it. I know what happened was scary; I didn't realize how bad it was until he told me about it. But I need to do this; with Jinx and this other black suited bastard running around I need to keep them from doing any more harm. And I know that Jinx, and probably the other guy too, are both gunning for me. Which means that you guys are secondary targets..." Thomas paused, looking at Bandit and Chilli, "I need to stop them before that happens. If I just ignore it eventually they'll find me, and you guys." Thomas paused, "I already lost my family once, I'm not gonna let that happen again."

Chilli sighed, "Alright, but you need to keep yourself safe. You see either of those two, blip somewhere safe, there's no point endangering yourself any more than you need to."

Thomas smiled, "I will."

"That was a bit of a heavy conversation, I feel like I could use something a bit lighter. Anyone up for some snacks?" Bandit offered.

"The only thing getting lighter when you eat snacks is the chip bag." Chilli joked.

Bandit feigned offense, "My dearest, whatever do you mean?"

Thomas chuckled as Chilli rolled her eyes, it was nice to be part of a family again.


It was shortly after eleven when the first knock came on the front door.

"I'll get it!" Bluey yelled, running excitedly to the front door. When she arrived Thomas was already letting in Stripe and his family. "Aww! I wanted to get it!"

"Sorry Bluey, I was already in the room. How about you get the next one?" Thomas offered.

"Okay!" She said.

"Hi Bluey!" Muffin shouted. "Hi alien!" She yelled at Thomas.

"Muffin!" Stripe sighed, pinching his forehead.

"Guess I better change." Thomas noted, quickly shifting into Heeler form. A moment later his clothes had disappeared, replaced instead with his blue fur.

"I'll get the girls settled in." Trixie offered, leading the two toward the yard.

Stripe glanced at Thomas a moment, "Hey mate, out of curiosity, where do your clothes go when you change?"

Thomas glanced down. "I don't know..."

It was about half an hour later when Bob and Chris arrived, completing the party's attendees. Rad had wanted to come with Frisky, but the two were already on holiday in New Zealand celebrating their engagement. He'd promised to stop by as soon as they got back, but they'd be gone at least another week.

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