Chapter 6: Batman Never Dealt With This

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Chapter 6: Batman Never Dealt with This

Getting out of the house was easy-Thank God for teleportation-but figuring out what to do after that point was a bit more challenging. Thomas rubbed his arms up and down on the sleeves. It was an odd sensation, given how he'd never worn clothes in his dog form before. He could see why most dogs didn't do it, it felt weird. But nonetheless, the track suit remained along with the mask he'd fashioned out of an old bath towel that had been in the rag bin in the upstairs closet. He needed to be in disguise, after all.

He exhaled as he continued walking down the street; I've got to train to be ready for Jinx. And what better way to train than to stop actual crimes, right? Thomas nervously rubbed the hem on his jacket. God, I'm insane, this is insane. These people might have guns or knives or whatever else. I can heal myself but this is fucking nuts! Thomas turned back toward home. He shook his head, No, I've got to do this. I have to be ready. With himself steeled he marched onward, heading toward downtown.

It was almost one in the morning and Thomas was feeling exhausted. He'd been up and walking along alleyways and side streets trying to find some crime to stop, but he hadn't had much luck. He glanced at his phone and considered his options. This is ridiculous, I should just go back home. Let the cops take care of this and just train more with Bandit or somebody else... But as he mulled over his thoughts he heard a muffled cry nearby. Thomas' ears perked up and he silently crept toward the sound. He saw a grungy looking male dog holding a knife to a female Pomeranian's throat.

"Alright, like I said-the whole thing. Now." He growled.

She complied and handed over her purse with shaking hands.

"Much obliged." He withdrew the knife and shoved her to the ground, turning to continue down the alley.

This is my chance... Thomas stepped out in front of the dog. "Hey, give her purse back now!" He ordered, trying to sound as authoritative as he could.

The dog scoffed, "What's a punk in trackies gonna do about it?" He flicked out his knife. "Be a good lad and fuck off, less you want this to get messy."

"Alright, I asked nicely." Thomas replied. He teleported behind the man and got the purse from his grasp before using a force field to shove him against the far wall and pin him there.

"Ah! What the fuck?!" The dog shouted, struggling to try and get free.

Thomas turned to see the woman cowering. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." He offered her her purse, which she took back.

"See? I'm not a bad guy."

"Thanks." She nodded before quickly dashing off, leaving only Thomas and the would-be purse-snatcher in the alley.

"So, what're you gonna do now?" The dog asked, glancing at him nervously.

"I'm gonna let the authorities handle you." Thomas replied, using his telekinesis to up-end a drainage pipe and wrap it around him. And with that he was gone.

Thomas reappeared a half block away, nearly hyperventilating. "Oh my God, that was insane. But it went well, right?" He said to himself. "C'mon, focus..." He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed the Brisbane police, leaving an anonymous tip about the criminal he'd restrained. After hanging up he rubbed his hands together.

"Alright, let's go!"

It was a bit before six when Thomas blipped back into his room. He crept across the floor and quickly changed out of his clothes, stowing them under his bed before shifting back into human form. He felt his stomach growl and decided it was worth it to grab something to eat. After all, it's reasonable for me to be up and hungry at this time... He nudged open the door to see Bandit looming in front of him with crossed arms.

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