Chapter 12: Confidence

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Chapter 12: Confidence

Thomas wasn't an expert on the multiverse. While that might seem improbable, given how he created a device to traverse it, it was true. After all, most of the reason why he and Jonas had initially used their craft to travel was to learn more about what existed beyond their own plane of existence. After dinner he'd holed himself up in his room to do research. It went into the wee hours of the morning until he could tell his corneas were burning. He eventually passed out shortly before three and awoke the next morning with his phone on his lap and a pile of notes in a half-dozen notepads. He stretched and tidied the mess, noting that he'd slept in a bit later than usual. Thankfully Bandit and Chilli were accommodating when he slept in, knowing most of the time it was because of his vigilantism or research, and had afforded him a peaceful morning.

As he tread down the stairs he smiled briefly as the morning sun streamed in the window and onto his fur. Even though he knew he could remain in human form around the house he liked being a Heeler, the rest of his family was, and as far as he was concerned he was too. It also saved him the effort of having to figure out what to wear-the only thing that he ever wore as a dog was his work uniform or his superhero suit. He turned the corner on the stairs and was greeted by a small surprise.

"Hey Uncle Stripe, what are you doing here?"
"Hey Thomas, since your mum's out with Trixie and the girls Ban and I've been working on something." Stripe stepped from behind the sofa, revealing a bass guitar hanging on his shoulder.

"You play bass?" Thomas said, surprised.
"Yeah, when we were kids your dad, Rad, and I were all in a band together. Rad played drums, your dad played guitar, and I played bass. That is until Rad got 'too old' and Bandit decided to start a different band with some of the kids from school." Stripe looked at Bandit, who was grinning sheepishly.

"They were my friends, what was I gonna say?" Bandit shrugged, sorry for leaving out his little brother.

"No hard feelings, mate." Stripe replied smiling at his older brother, "It was nearly 30 years ago." He looked at Thomas, "You play any instruments?"

"No, I didn't really get any talent with that sort of thing, not that I really ever tried." Thomas admitted.

"Well, if you ever wanna give it a try, just ask Ban, he's the one who taught me how to play." Stripe said, causing Bandit to rub his arm.

"I'm not really that good..." Bandit admitted.
"And he's modest too, about this at least." Stripe quipped.

"So what did you guys play?" Thomas asked, curious about this hitherto unknown part of his family's history.

"Mostly grunge, Rad was big into that, but Ban..." Stripe snickered. "He liked New Kids on the Block."

"They are legitimately talented!" Bandit admitted.

"Yeah, and you totally didn't have a thing for Joey..." Stripe chuckled as Bandit blushed.
"I told you that in confidence!" Bandit said, his blush spreading.

"What, he already knows you're bi, dad told him at the picnic." Stripe cackled.
Bandit tried to grab his brother, causing the two to have a brief chase around the living room, their amp cords getting tangled as they did so. Thomas grinned as his father and uncle turned into oversized children; it was nice to see that this version of his dad never really fully grew up. Eventually he stepped in.
"Boys... Dad, Stripe, come on."

The two middle aged dogs paused and looked at the teenager.

Bandit cleared his throat, "Um, how about we break for lunch?" He looked over at Stripe.

"Sounds fine to me."

Bandit had insisted on making lunch, but Thomas took over as soon as the squabbling recommenced. It was mostly sandwiches with some extra spices and sauce that Thomas threw together. Bandit's eyes lit up as soon as he took a bite.

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